Measles, Vaccines, Antibodies and Big Pharma Money


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Vaccination is NOT Immunization

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived

and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic”

Myths and Dogma

•Vaccines are Safe and effective

•Vaccine preventable diseases

•Get vaccinated to protect those that can’t have a vaccine

•Herd immunity

•Vaccines are the best way to protect your family

Individuals harmed by properly manufactured vaccines had few options for compensation before an court case in the 1950s

•In 1955 about 200 people were paralyzed and ten died after contracting polio from the Salk polio vaccine•certain lots of which contained virus that had not been inactivated in spite of manufacturers’ adherence to federal government standards.

DPT LawsuitsThrough the 1970s and 1980s•the number of lawsuits brought against vaccine manufacturers increased dramatically, and manufacturers• made large payouts to individuals and families claiming vaccine injury, particularly from the combined diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) immunization.•mounting legal fees, and large jury rewards, many pharmaceutical companies left the vaccine business•by the end of 1984, only one U.S. company still manufactured the DPT vaccine•other vaccines were losing manufacturers as well.

Under the NVICP, those claiming a vaccine injury from a covered vaccine cannot sue a vaccine manufacturer without first filing a claim with the U.S. Court of Federal Claims

The claim filer is reimbursed according to a formula, provided that all the medical records meet NCVIA standards and that review by the U.S. Department of Justice determines that all legal standards have been met.

If a claim is denied, or if the claim is approved and the claimant rejects the compensation, only then may the claimant file a civil lawsuit.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act Reporting and Compensation Tables (VIT) list each covered vaccine, its associated adverse events, and the allowable interval from vaccination to onset of event.

•intussusseption within 30 days of receipt of oral, rhesus-based rotavirus vaccine•brachial neuritis within 0-28 days of receipt of tetanus toxoid•anaphylaxis within 0-4 hours of receipt of a variety of vaccines, etc…

“it is estimated that only 1-10% of events are reported” JAMA 1993

Between mid-1999 & Jan. 4th 2004 there were 128,035 adverse reactions reported to VAERS this may represent between

1.28 million to 12.8 million of the actual vaccine associated adverse reactions

VAERs Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services published Statistics Reports period ending September 3, 2013

•1989 to 2013•3,387 compensable claims—or money•9,651 claims that were dismissed

The U.S. Court of Federal Claims (aka the vaccine court)• $2,569,336,538.59 for compensable claims• $104,202,681.85 for attorneys’ fees•attorneys’ fees for dismissed claims totaling $56,375,431.34•$15,190,454.29 for interim attorneys’ fees

the vaccines causing the most damage were:

DPT 3,284; Influenza (Trivalent) 1,108; MMR 860; Hepatitis B 591; DtaP 353;

OPV (Oral Polio) 280

The vaccine attributed to causing the most deaths was DTP with 696 deaths.

32 vaccines listed, very few—only 5—had no deaths attributed.

Federal Register, volume 49, Number 107 Friday 1 June, 1984, “Rules and Regulations page 23007 which said:

“Any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of the (polio) vaccine, cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure that the vaccine will continue to be used to the maximum extent….”

One strain came from lung cells taken from a female fetus of 3-months gestation,

One strain from a male fetus at 14-weeks. One strain was used to make the rubella vaccine

the fetuses were intentionally abor ted, but were not abor ted for the purpose of harvesting the cells.

these cultures have been used to prepare hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines for rubella, hepatitis A, varicella, rabies, chicken pox vaccine

The defense is that human cells are the best source for vaccines because cells taken from animals can carry animal viruses that would obviously be very harmful in any vaccine.

“An additional increased spike in incidence of autism occurred in 1995 when the chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal t issue.”

Human. Fetal. Tissue.

The National Network for Immunization Information repor ts that two dif ferent strains of human cell cultures made from fetuses have been used extensively in vaccine production for DECADES.

“Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes-A review” Helen V. Ratajczak, Journal of Immunotoxicology, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2/9/11,

“Vaccines and autism: a new scientific review” Sharyl Attkisson, CBS News, 3/31/11,

“Human Fetal Links with Some Vaccines” National Network for Immunization Information, 6/3/08,


American Journal of Epidemiology1984 Volume 120, Issue 1 Pp. 39-48.

AbstractLittle is known about how an intensive measles elimination program changes the overall immune status of the population. A computer model was created to study the effect of the measles elimination program in the United States on the number of susceptibles in the population.

•the prevaccine era, approximately 10.6% of the population was susceptible to measles

•With the institution of the measles immunization program, the proportion of susceptibles in the population fell to 3.1% from 1978 through 1981

•then began to rise by approximately 0.1% per year to reach about 10.9% in the year 2050.


American Journal of EpidemiologyVolume 120, Issue 1 Pp. 39-48.

•The susceptibles at this time were distributed evenly throughout all age groups. •The model did not consider the potential effect of waning immunity. •The results of this study suggest that measles elimination in the United States has been achieved by an effective immunization program aimed at young susceptibles combined with a highly, naturally immunized adult population.• However, despite short-term success in eliminating the disease, long-range projections demonstrate that the proportion of susceptibles in the year 2050 may be greater than in the prevaccine era. •Present vaccine technology and public health policy must be altered to deal with this eventuality.

Increased risk of non-influenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated

influenza vaccineClin Infect Dis. 2012

AbstractWe randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) or placebo.

Over the following 9 months, TIV recipients had increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections (relative risk: 4.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8).

Being protected against influenza, TIV recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other respiratory viruses.

“Implications of Vaccination and Waning Immunity,”

Proceedings of the Royal Society B, vol. 276, 2009J. M. Heffernan and M. J. Keeling

When immunity wanes, vaccination has a far more limited impact on the average number of cases. While this observation has clear public-health implications, the dynamic consequences of the interaction between vaccination, waning immunity and boosting are far more striking.

For high levels of vaccination (greater than 80%) and moderate levels of waning immunity (greater than 30 years), large-scale epidemic cycles can be induced.

While the role of antibodies in preventing virus infection and reinfection is unquestionable, their contribution to the resolution of viral disease is much more controversial.

When humoral deficiencies, in particular Bruton's X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) (8), were initially described, it was observed that bacterial infections rather than viral infections represented the main cause of morbidity and early mortality.

On this basis it was proposed that humoral deficiencies could be seen as experiments of nature, demonstrating that antibodies play little or no role in controlling viral infections while they are crucial in the resolution of bacterial infections (discussed in reference 24). Such a view has acquired dogma status over the years and is commonly found in immunology textbooks and other scientific publications.

Role of Antibodies in Controlling Viral Disease: Lessons from Experiments of Nature and Gene

KnockoutsJ Virol. 2000 Nov; 74(21): 9813–9817.

While the role of antibodies in preventing virus infection and reinfection is unquestionable, their contribution to the resolution of viral disease is much more controversial.

When humoral deficiencies, in particular Bruton's X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) (8), were initially described, it was observed that bacterial infections rather than viral infections represented the main cause of morbidity and early mortality.

On this basis it was proposed that humoral deficiencies could be seen as experiments of nature, demonstrating that antibodies play little or no role in controlling viral infections while they are crucial in the resolution of bacterial infections (discussed in reference 24). Such a view has acquired dogma status over the years and is commonly found in immunology textbooks and other scientific publications.

Role of Antibodies in Controlling Viral Disease: Lessons from Experiments of Nature and Gene

KnockoutsJ Virol. 2000 Nov; 74(21): 9813–9817.

demonstrating that antibodies play little or no role in controlling viral infections while they are crucial in the resolution of bacterial infections …. Such a view has acquired dogma status over the years and is commonly found in immunology textbooks and other scientific publications

One of the most disconcerting discoveries in clinical medicine was the finding that children with congenital agamma-globulinaemia, who could make no antibody and had only insignificant traces of immunoglobulin in circulation,

contracted measles in normal fashion, showed the usual sequence of symptoms and signs, and were subsequently immune. No measles antibody was detectable in their serum

“Measles as an Index of Immunological Function,” The Lancet,

September 14, 1968, p. 611.

Measles Vaccine Putting mothers and Children at Risk

Herd Immunity … Not Based in fact

Then when that didn’t work….

American Babies:•1 vaccine at birth•8 vaccines at 2 months•9 Vaccines at 6 months•12 vaccines at 12 – 18 months

Total 38 vaccines by 18 months CDC 2011

CDC 2011 Recommendation

USA Babies to 18 months old:

•4 doses of Hep B•3 doses of rotavirus•4 doses of DTaP9 (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis)•4 doses of Hib (haemophilus influenza B)•4 doses of pneumococcal vaccine (prevnar 13)•3 doses of polio vaccine•2 doses of Flu vaccine•1 MMR (measels, mumps, rubella)•1 chicken pox vaccine

22 Medical Studies That Show Vaccines Can

Cause Autism

a macaque monkey (primates) study of the very same vaccines given to children during 1994-1999, Laura Hewitson, PhD

“Vaccine-exposed and saline-injected control infants [monkeys] underwent MRI and PET imaging at approximately 4 and 6 months of age, representing two specific timeframes within the vaccination schedule. …

“These results suggest that maturational changes in amygdala volume and the binding capacity of [11C]DPN in the amygdala was significantly altered in infant macaques receiving the vaccine schedule.” “many significant differences in the GI tissue gene expression profiles between vaccinated and unvaccinated animals.”

biological changes and altered behaviors did occur in vaccinated monkeys, which resembled … ASD diagnosed children.

no such symptoms showing or present in unvaccinated monkeys.

Research Paper :Neurobiological Experimentals in 2010 and titled “Influence of pediatric vaccines on amydgala growth and opioid ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study.”

CDC Whistleblower Announces That the MMR Vaccine Causes Autism

CDC whistleblower, William Thompson, Thompson admitted that the CDC had deliberately withheld crucial evidence proving that the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine caused autism.

…research carried out by the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia, revealed that when African-American boys under the age of 36 months were given the MMR vaccine, the rate of autism in this group rose by 340 percent.

In a desperate bid to cover up this tragedy, the CDC decided to fix the data and eliminated all African-American boys without a Georgia birth certificate.

340% increase in Autism covered up in 2004

50% of U.S. Children Have Chronic Disease/Disorders,

21% Developmentally DisabledCurrent rate of Autism 1 in 33 boys

2007 Academic Pediatrics, an estimated 43% to 54.1% of US children (32 million) have a chronic health conditions .

2011 issue of Pediatrics Between 1997 and 2008, the number of school-age children diagnosed with autism, ADHD, or another developmental disability.

2011 Archives of General Psychiatry and it found that the U.S. has the highest in the world lifetime rate of bipolar disorder at 4.4%

2013 autism, ADHD, or another developmental disability=amount to 21%

By 2016 60%-70% of American children, chronically ill, obesity, infertility.

J Autoimmun. 2011 Feb;The role of various environmental factors in the pathogenesis of immune mediated diseases is well established.

Of which, factors entailing an immune adjuvant activity such as infectious agents, silicone, aluminium salts and others were associated with defined and non-defined immune mediated diseases both in animal models and in humans.

•Siliconosis•Gulf war syndrome (GWS)•macrophagic myofasciitis syndrome (MMF)•post-vaccination phenomena

'ASIA' - autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.

Despite a lack of good-quality evidence we do not recommend that any further research on this topic is undertaken

Lancet Infect Dis. 2004 Feb;4(2):84-90.Adverse events after immunisation with aluminium-

containing DTP vaccines: systematic review of the evidence

“Assessment of the safety of aluminium in vaccines is important because replacement of aluminium compounds in currently licensed vaccines would necessitate the introduction of a completely new compound that would have to be investigated before licensing. No obvious candidates to replace aluminium are available, so withdrawal for safety reasons would severely affect the immunogenicity and protective effect of some currently licensed vaccines and threaten immunization programs worldwide.”

Acellular pertussis vaccination facilitates Bordetella parapertussis infection in a rodent model of bordetellosis.

•Despite over 50 years of population-wide vaccination, whooping cough incidence is on the rise.

•We show that aP vaccination helped clear B. pertussis but resulted in an approximately 40-fold increase in B. parapertussis lung colony-forming units (CFUs).

•vaccine-mediated facilitation of B. parapertussis …

•Further, we show that aP vaccination impedes host immunity against B. parapertussis-measured …

•Our data raise the possibility that widespread aP vaccination can create hosts more susceptible to B. parapertussis infection.

journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological SciencesProc Biol Sci. 2010 Jul 7;277(1690):2017-25. doi:

published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences

•children who are vaccinated for whooping cough actually suffer from decreased immunity and are more susceptible to B. parapertussis infection than their unvaccinated peers.

•Vaccinated children, in essence, are the carriers of disease when it comes to all these whooping cough outbreaks,

•infecting other mostly vaccinated children and putting massive strain on local healthcare resources.

•unvaccinated children that remain largely healthy during these outbreaks, as their immune systems are not crippled by exposure to artificial vaccine antigens.

study funded by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) verified that the whooping cough vaccine

• does not even prevent the spread of whooping cough as commonly claimed.

•the vaccine allowed the disease to fester inside the bodies of test baboons for up to five weeks,

"[These findings] could explain the increase in pertussis that we're seeing in the U.S.," admitted FDA researcher Tod Merkel,

affirming what many are now suggesting about the dangers of the whooping cough vaccine.

Dangers of Whooping cough vaccine exposed by FDA

molecular mimicry is an important factor in autoimmune disease

first published in 1985 and since that time substantial evidence has accumulated

causing many autoimmune diseases including: diabetes, lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, autism

“even though the data regarding the relation between vaccination and autoimmune disease is conflicting some autoimmune phenomena are clearly related to immunization”

J.Autoimmun. 2000 feb 14(1) 1-10

Vitamin A administration also reduces opportunistic infections such as pneumonia and diarrhea associated with measles virus-induced immune suppression. Vitamin A supplementation has been shown to reduce risk of complications due to pneumonia after an acute measles episode.

A study in South Africa showed that the mortality could be reduced by 80% in acute measles with complications, following high-dose vitamin A supplementation.

Prakash Shetty, Nutrition Immunity & Infection, 2010, p. 82.

Dr. Ellison reported in 1932 that well-nourished children rarely died or had serious infectious complications from measles…

. As early as 1932, scientists found that mortality dropped by 58 percent when children hospitalized with measles were given cod liver oil, which contains vitamins A and D and omega-3 fatty acids. Later studies in the 1990s showed amazing results of vitamin A reducing deaths by 60 to 90 percent

Combined analyses showed that massive doses of vitamin A given to patients hospitalized with measles were associated with an •approximately 60% reduction in the risk of death overall, •…approximate 90% reduction among infants . . .

•Administration of vitamin A to children who developed pneumonia before or during hospital stay reduced mortality by about 70% compared with control children.

“Vitamin A Supplementation and Child Mortality: A Meta-Analysis,”

Journal of the American Medical Association, February 17, 1993, p.

Experiments done in the 1940s showed that vitamin C was effective against measles, especially when used in higher doses.

During an epidemic [of measles] vitamin C was used prophylactically and all those who received as much as 1000 mg. every six hours, by vein or muscle, were protected from the virus.

Given by mouth, 1000 mg. in fruit juice every two hours was not protective unless it was given around the clock. It was further found that 1000 mg. by mouth, four to six times each day, would modify the attack; with the appearance of Koplik’s spots and fever,

if the administration was increased to 12 doses each 24 hours, all signs and symptoms would disappear in 48 hours

“The Treatment of Poliomyelitis and Other Virus Diseases with Vitamin C,”

Southern Medicine & Surgery, July 1949 Fred R. Klenner, MD,

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CLARENCE DARROWThe unvaccinated don’t care what the vaccinated do, or what they read. But now suddenly the vaccinators want to take away the right of anyone to disagree with their beliefs, and even the right to study the issue.

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two virologists, Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski have filed a lawsuit against their former employer and vaccine manufacturer Merck.

“The lawsuit alleges that Merck defrauded the U.S. for over 10 years by overstating the MMR vaccine’s effectivenes. The virologists claim in their lawsuit that they ‘Witnessed firsthand the improper testing and data falseification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings.”

Whistleblowing virologists sue Merck for alleged falsification of mumps data

the suit brought by two former employees of the company does not hold up because they failed to demonstrate that the label of its mumps vaccine is false and that the FDA was misled about the efficacy of the vaccine.

“They're asking the court to muscle the FDA out of the way and decide on the science,” Sitarchuk said. “It's precisely that problem that's why an FCA case can't be based on the alleged falsity of a label.”

July 31, 2013, 3:08 PM ET

two virologists, Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski have filed a lawsuit against their former employer and vaccine manufacturer Merck.

“The lawsuit alleges that Merck defrauded the U.S. for over 10 years by overstating the MMR vaccine’s effectivenes. The virologists claim in their lawsuit that they ‘Witnessed firsthand the improper testing and data falseification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings.”

Whistleblowing virologists sue Merck for alleged falsification of mumps data

the suit brought by two former employees of the company does not hold up because they failed to demonstrate that the label of its mumps vaccine is false and that the FDA was misled about the efficacy of the vaccine.

“They're asking the court to muscle the FDA out of the way and decide on the science,” Sitarchuk said. “It's precisely that problem that's why an FCA case can't be based on the alleged falsity of a label.”

July 31, 2013, 3:08 PM ET

“Their case at its core is that the government

didn't get what it paid for,” he said. “They have to

allege misrepresentations made to the [Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention].” The CDC

was the purchaser of the vaccine.

Dr. Poul Thorsen is most widely known for a 2003 study known as the "Danish Study" which reported a 20-fold increase in autism in Denmark after mercury-based preservatives like thimerosal were banned from vaccines.

The research team therefore concluded that mercury-containing vaccines were safe.

But the study was a master fully done example of lying by omission,

at the same time the apparent autism increase took place a new law had been put into place in Denmark that required autism cases to be reported on the national level.

There was also a new clinic dedicated to autism treatment opened. These two factors were behind the sudden increase in reported autism

cases, but the researchers failed to disclose them. the CDC has rel ied on the Danish Study to "prove" their case

that MMR vaccine and mercury are safe for your kids.


studies the CDC uses to support their claims that MMR and mercury-containing vaccines, among others, are safe.

Dr. Paul Offit, a proponent of mandatory vaccination, he is promoted by the AAP

a member of The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

ACIP panel of immunization experts, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

They provide advice and guidelines to the CDC on vaccine-preventable diseases

“Off it for Profit” Given at Least $30 Mill ion Dollars to Push Vaccines

2009 Thorsen disappeared amidst serious fraud charges and with nearly $2 million that was supposedly used for research.

Now a federal grand jury in Atlanta has indicted Thorsen and charged him with 13 counts of wire fraud, 9 counts of money laundering and stealing more than $1 million in grant money from the CDC over a four-year period.

"One important pattern of infection that may increase the risk of delayed disease is where different viruses interact, either with each other or both interact with the host immune system simultaneously. Virologic data support the possibility of a compound effect of multiple concurrent viral exposures influencing...the risk of autism."earlier study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology

Facts:•Mortality flu season 7.8% in vaccinated•Mortality flu season 9.8% unvaccinated•Standard death rate 4.6%•So instead of the difference of 7.8% from 9.8% they took the standard death rate of 4.6% vs 9.8% Am J Epidemiol 170: 650-656

Criminally Misleading by Manipulating Data

CDC 2011 Recommendation

USA Babies to 18 months old:

•4 doses of Hep B•3 doses of rotavirus•4 doses of DTaP9 (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis)•4 doses of Hib (haemophilus influenza B)•4 doses of pneumococcal vaccine (prevnar 13)•3 doses of polio vaccine•2 doses of Flu vaccine•1 MMR (measels, mumps, rubella)•1 chicken pox vaccine

22 Medical Studies That Show Vaccines Can

Cause Autism

a macaque monkey (primates) study of the very same vaccines given to children during 1994-1999, Laura Hewitson, PhD

“Vaccine-exposed and saline-injected control infants [monkeys] underwent MRI and PET imaging at approximately 4 and 6 months of age, representing two specific timeframes within the vaccination schedule. …

“These results suggest that maturational changes in amygdala volume and the binding capacity of [11C]DPN in the amygdala was significantly altered in infant macaques receiving the vaccine schedule.” “many significant differences in the GI tissue gene expression profiles between vaccinated and unvaccinated animals.”

biological changes and altered behaviors did occur in vaccinated monkeys, which resembled … ASD diagnosed children.

no such symptoms showing or present in unvaccinated monkeys.

Research Paper :Neurobiological Experimentals in 2010 and titled “Influence of pediatric vaccines on amydgala growth and opioid ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study.”

J Autoimmun. 2011 Feb;The role of various environmental factors in the pathogenesis of immune mediated diseases is well established.

Of which, factors entailing an immune adjuvant activity such as infectious agents, silicone, aluminium salts and others were associated with defined and non-defined immune mediated diseases both in animal models and in humans.

•Siliconosis•Gulf war syndrome (GWS)•macrophagic myofasciitis syndrome (MMF)•post-vaccination phenomena

'ASIA' - autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.

“Nancy” 17 yo A.S.I.A. from DPT vaccine
