Massage therapy a medical modality



Andrew Wolfe,LMP of Harmony Licensed Massage Therapy presents power point presentation, he created to illustrate massage therapy as a medical modality of natural and effective means to rehabilitation of medical injury care and recovery from soft tissue care and disfunction. His private practice,is based in Arlington Washington. He has over 23 years clinical advanced training and experience;since 1987.

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Massage Therapy a Medical Modality By Andrew Wolfe, L.M.P.





Skeletal and Muscular Systems

Injury, Spasm & Pain

Connective Tissue

Connective tissue-tendon;muscle to bone

Fascia-the web that covers ,binds and connects.

Fascia (left); connective tissue

Body mechanics and posture

Example of poor body mechanics; Patient with high left shoulder.

Foot/ankle imbalance creating knee and hip dysfunction.

Layers of influence on the musculature; PAIN LEVELS

Outside -environment

Outside - environment

Outside - environment

Outside – environment

Outside- environment

Pain Behaviors

Pain Behaviors


Emotions & Thoughts

Pain Sensation

Pain sensations; referred pain

Pain Sensation; Tender Points (Fibromyalgia)

Pain sensations; Back Pain Cycle

Tissue Damage

Application and Technique

Cervical Muscles

Cervical Whiplash, Headache and Migraine

Cervical massage with manual traction

Shoulder region

Shoulder impingement

Passive remedial movement and massage

Soft tissue release posterior shoulder

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

TOS tender points

Lengthening the Scalenes with massage and passive stretching

Rotator Cuff Injury

Remedial movement of anterior

Remedial movement of anterior shoulder with massage

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and massage

Elbow- tendonitis and massage

Spinal deep muscles of the back Massage Therapy with lengthening

Low back pain trigger points and referred pain

Low back pain- anterior Psoas release (massage)

Low back- hip pain

Low Pack Pain- Sciatica

Low Back Pain- Lateral aspect

Knee anatomy

Feet- the foundation


Skeletal and Muscular Systems

Connective Tissue

Body mechanics and compensation


Referred pain

Massage Therapy coverage for work and motor vehicle accidents

Massage Therapycare for pre/post surgery & injury

Andrew Wolfe, LMP “Compassionate care, tough on pain.”
