Management of Cardiovascular diseases through Naturopathy & yoga


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  • 1. Management of Cardiovascular Diseases Through Naturopathy & Yoga By : Dr Cijith Sreedhar

2. Cardiovascular system consists of -Heart - Blood vessels 3. Heart Heart: Heart is a fibro muscular organ designed of special muscles called Cardiac Muscles 4. Coronary arteries Arteries carrying pure oxygenated blood to the heart are known as Coronary arteries. These are special vessels that carry blood to heart nutrients and oxygen. 5. When you catch a fish, and you take the fish out of the water, the fish is struggling, and there are two things you can do. One is you can put the fish back in water. If you put the fish back in water, the fish survives -- that is angina. So if we give treatments or we restore blood supply, the heart muscle survives. If you take the fish out while it's struggling, and you put it in your basket, the fish dies, and that is then heart attack. 6. Why Naturopathy & Yoga ? Beyond medications n. and diet: alternative approaches to lowering blood pressure: a scientific statement from the american heart association Nutrients. 2013 Sep 17;5(9):3646-83. doi: 10.3390/nu5093646. Clinically proven & evidence based techniques Non symptomatic approach- treats the cause Non invasive and without any toxic components Holistic approach takes physical , mental and spiritual planes Improves quality of life No side effects or adverse effects, when administered correctly Cost effective, (less than 40 % when compared with modern medicine) Patient friendly approach Requires less hospitalization can go back to normal routine in less time. 7. Management of Cardiovascular disorders Prevention protocol-Health Building Measures Food Exercise Rest & Relaxation Positive mental attitude Treatment protocol Acute management Chronic Management 8. WHAT TO EAT? Use small round plates. Fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables. 1/4th with cereals (rice/ wheat). 1/4th with dishes. Start with Veg / fruits, then cereals with dishes. 60% Cooked 40% Raw Acid / Alkaline 80% Alkaline 20% Acidic Raw 40% Cooked 60% Alkaline 80% Acidic 20% 9. Food to Avoid: Refined Foods Fat and Oily Foods Junk Foods Old and Refrigerated Foods Spicy Foods.... 10. Water Intake Why to drink ? when to drink ? How much to drink? What to drink ? 11. YOGA CONVENTIONAL EXERCISE YOGA fast, speed, fatigue. slow, smooth, no jerk. involves limited spinal flexibility. involves total spin flexibility. Breathing not necessarily rhythmic Breathing must necessarily rhythmic Awareness not involved Awareness is must All bodily systems not involved Multiple system involved psychological aspect is not considered Psychological aspect is very important Activity with awareness . Works at Physical , Mental and Social level Includes Asanas, Pranayama & Breathing exercises, Kriyas, Meditation etc 12. REST Rest reduces tension, differs from sleep. Shavasana, Meditation. Relaxation methods : IRT QRT DRT INTERNAL & EXTERNAL STIMULI PHYSICAL & MENTAL TENSIONS WORK ON MUSCLES & NERVES 13. In Mental level mental stress Adhis (primary disease- no symptom at physical level) Systemic malfunctions / wrong digestion violent fluctuations in the flow of prana in the nadis Toxic accumulation in Body lack rhythm & harmony in flow of prana and instability & unsteadiness in nadis wrong actions emotions bhavana Likes &Dislikes imbalance in mind agitated mind & body/ hormonal imbalance Psychosomatic ailments Why Right mental Attitude is important ? 14. Arogyaraksha pancha tantra Drink water 10 to 15 glass/day. Practice exercise 1 hour a day. Have 3 meals/day. Pray every day. Fruits only diet once in a week. 15. Treatment Protocol Acute Conditions : Seek medical help, shift the patient to Hospital immediately Give CPR Dont create a panic situation, Reassure the patient Allow free ventilation If can , make the patient to deep breathing. Acupressure for maintaining BP, Heart merdian Reflexology in foot & arms Hydrotherapy - short cold application to face , chest & Spine. 16. Chronic Conditions Both In patient facility & Out Patient facility available Dietetics & Fasting Fat free diet Fruits only diet Juice diet Fasting Five elements Hydrotherapy Mud therapy Heliotherapy Massage Energy Medicine Acupressure Acupuncture Reflexology Reiki & Pranic healing Therapeutic Yoga annamaya kosa: Kriyas , sithilikarana vyayama, Asanas pranamaya kosa :Proper breathing pranayama, kriyas manomaya kosa : Dharana , Dhyana, emotional culture. 17. Dietetics & Fasting Fat free diet Fruits only diet Juice diet Fasting On the basis of its known benefits to cardiometabolic health, including modest calorie restriction in a combined lifestyle program is likely to improve heart health and prevent subsequent cardiovascular events in overweight and obese individuals. Caloric restriction: implications for human cardiometabolic health.J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2013 Jul-Aug;33(4):201-8. 18. Five elements Hydrotherapy cold applications , Alt applications as baths , packs Mud therapy direct and packs , full body and local applications Heliotherapy sun baths, colour baths Massage - partial and full body massage A variety of experimental studies indicate that the Vitamin D receptors may play an important role in controlling cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis, regulating blood pressure and suppressing the development of atherosclerosis. VITAMIN D AND THE HEART Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2013 Sep 11. 19. - relevant methodological recommendations can produce beneficial effects in the form of the improved endothelial function, reduced heart rate variability and oxidative stress as well as enhanced physical performance. [Thermal therapy for the management of cardiovascular pathology]. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2013 May-Jun;(3):57-61. It is concluded that combined treatment of this condition should include low-temperature peloidotherapy as a major component since it has the most beneficial effect on general and intracardiac hemodynamics. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2009 Sep-Oct;(5):11-3. 20. Energy Medicine Acupressure Acupuncture Reflexology Reiki & Pranic healing Acupoint pressing can significantly improve symptoms of angina pectoris patients with a similar therapeutic effect to Nitroglycerin and Suxiaojiuxin pill, but it has more rapid therapeutic effect without adverse effects. [Comparative study on acupoint pressing and medication for angina pectoris due to coronary heart disease]. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2011 Jul;31(7):595-8. 21. Therapeutic Yoga Physical layer: Kriyas , sithilikarana vyayama, Asanas Energy layer :Proper breathing pranayama, kriyas , Mudras Mental layer : Dharana , Dhyana, emotional culture. The MBSR program is effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, perceived stress, BP and BMI in patients with coronary heart disease Mindfulness-based stress reduction program in coronary heart disease: A randomized control trial. Int J Yoga. 2013 Jul;6(2):111-7. doi: 10.4103/0973-6131.113405 22. THANK YOU Dr Cijith Sreedhar Chief Consultant , Vega Body Mind Soul clinic , Edapally, Cochin Visiting Consultant : Amrita Ayurveda College, Kollam, Punarnava Ayurvega Hospital Group, Cochin Health Plus physiotherapy Center, Cochin Mob : 85 900 177 85 email :
