Lung cancer spreads to brain and its symptoms


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Lung cancer spreads to brain, its symptoms and treatments

Lung cancer

• Lung cancer can be caused due to various reasons .it can be spread all over the body if we didn’t take special care and treatment on it.

• The most common type of cancer spread to the brain ( with at least 40% of people suffering from lung cancer.

• It is very important to know how the lung cancer effect the brain , so that we can helps to prevent from it .

Lung cancer spreads to brain

• When lung cancer spread to brain it is called as lung cancer metastatic to the brain .

• The term brain cancer in contrast, refers to cancer that begins in the tissue of the brain.

• Cancer may spread to any parts of the brain. The most common site of the brain is the cerebrum, which is the largest and top part of the brain.

• Less often the cancer spread to cerebellum and brain stem. sometimes there is only single brain tumor, but most people develop many brain metases.

Secondary stage

• The lung cancer which spread to the whole parts of the body finally spreads to the secondary parts which is called brain.

• It is very common for lung cancer, particularly small cell lung cancer(, which spread to the brain.

• when cancer cells break off from the tumor in the lung, and spread through the bloodstream or lymphatic system into the brain and begin to grow


• The symptoms of brain metastases vary depending on which part of the brain is affected. Other health conditions can cause the same symptoms as brain metastases.

• The most symptoms in brain metastasis is headache.

• Headache may be caused by a tumor pressing on the brain, swelling, bleeding.

Some of the other symptoms are

• Nausea and vomiting• Seizure• Weakness or numbness in parts of the body• Problem with memory and confusion• Changes in behavior and functionality• Problems in balance and coordination• Loss of bladder• Problems with speech and swallowing


• If you have these kinds of symptoms the doctor will be advice you to take the test CT scan or MRI of your head.

• An MRI is more accurate in looking for brain metastases, or a pet scan, a type of an radiological study that looks for actively growing cancer cells .

• Some times biopsy will be done in brain to look out any cancer cells present or not ,it is uncertain when cancer is began.(

The some of the other treatment may include,

• Corticosteroids

• Radiotherapy

• Chemotherapy

• Surgery

• Steroids

• Hormone therapy(

Side effects on treatment• The side effects may causes due to length of the

treatment. (

• The common side effects on treatment include dexamethasone are sleep problems, increased appetite, fluid buildup in the legs, arms or face, weight gain, high blood sugar levels, infection, mood changes and skin problems like rash or acne.

• Common side effects of radiation therapy to the brain are hair loss, fatigue and memory problems.

• Side effects of surgery will depend mainly on the location of brain metastases.

• They include bleeding, swelling of the brain and seizures.

• Common side effects of many chemotherapy drugs include low blood cell counts (called bone marrow suppression), nausea and vomiting, mouth problems and bowel problems.

• There are no way of knowing exactly how long someone live with brain metastases.

• Survival with brain metastases is often measured in months, but some people can survive for several years.

• Some people may live much longer than expected, while others may die sooner than expected.

• To know more details about lung cancer visit

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