Laser Eye Surgery Guide Summary


DESCRIPTION Laser eye surgery guide part 1 on short sight, long sight. astigmatism and presbyopia reading glasses

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FOCUS Laser Vision0845 5000 500

Essential Guide to

Laser Eye Surgery


Why do you need glasses?PART 1:

EVERYONE will need to wear glasses in their lifetime, either for distance or reading or both!

This means YOU!

Why can’t you see clearly?

•short sight (myopia)

•long sight (hyperopia)



There are 4 reasons why you will need glasses:

Normal eye Refractive errors

Normal sight: Distance vision is good because focusing is exactly on the retina

Age: All sight is good until 45 when close vision fails

Short sight Refractive errors

Short sight: Distance vision is blurry because focusing is too strong inside the eye

Age: Starts usually teens to twenties

Long sight Refractive errors

Long sight: Distance may be good initially but near vision blurry as focusing is too weak inside the eye

Age: Starts usually thirties to forties - later distance vision will become blurred

Astigmatism Refractive errors

Astigmatism: Distortion at all distances due to uneven focusing

Age: Starts young, may worsen in teens to twenties

Presbyopia (ageing eyes)

•loss of close vision

•starts around 45

•progresses to 65

•may require varifocals or 2 pairs, one for distance and one for reading

FOCUS Laser Vision

Presbyopia Refractive errors

Presbyopia: Close vision is blurry because the lens inside the eye is too weak to focus on near objects

Age: Starts usually in mid forties but everyone affected by age 51

Laser eye surgery

• All glasses problems can now be treated with laser eye surgery

• Biggest advances have been in treating near vision for age related presbyopia

• Reading correction available from FOCUS Laser Vision

FOCUS Laser Vision Choose once, choose right

0845 5000 500
