How to mentally and physically prepare yourself for weight loss


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How to Mentally and Physically Prepare Yourself

for Weight LossPresented by

Forget the Past

Don’t let past diet failures discourage you.

This is a new beginning, and you will have new results.

Get ready to try as though you’ve never failed because you never have to fail again.

Set Concrete Goals

How much fat do you want to lose? When do you want to reach that target?Why do you want to lose weight? What can you do today and every day to achieve that goal?

If you are serious, take some time to ask and answer these questions in writing.

Otherwise, it is just a wish.

Purchase Supplies

You’re going to need plenty of nutritious foods such as

complex carbohydrates, fresh produce, lean protein and pure drinking water.

If you don’t already have those things on hand, you’ll need to

plan a shopping trip

Plan Your Schedule

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.

So start planning your meals and activities ahead.

No matter how busy you are, you can make time for yourself. Set at least 30 minutes each day

for exercise or, doany form of physical activity.

Get Adequate Sleep

Weight loss requires adequate sleep. If you have trouble sleeping at night,

invest in some earplugs or a sleep mask that blocks out the light.

Make a List of Rewards

Think of some tangible rewards you can give yourself

for losing weight. Avoid using your

favorite food as treats. Instead, buy yourself a book,

go out to a movie, or splurge on a pedicure.
