How to lose belly fat in a healthy way


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Howtogoodhealth.netHow to lose belly fat in a healthy way

Excess fat is one of the factors causing unattractive, it has also increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. Reducing belly fat is to get a nice body which is the need of many people. However, how to lose belly fat safely for your health. Read some tips on this article to know that how to lose belly fat in a healthy way.

1. Scientific diet

If you want to lose belly fat safely you need to have scientific menu for your diet. Scientific diet is to maintain the level of nutrient supply to the body adequately including: protein, starch, vitamin, lipids, minerals, and micronutrients, and more. So it can also prevent the risk of obesity and not lead to malnutrition and other dangerous diseases. Eat more protein: according to study, the people who ate more protein

will have less belly fat. It not only helps you lose fat but also helps re- gaining weights. Therefore, protein is an important factor to lose weight, especially lose belly fat. The high- protein food include egg, meat, nut, beans, seafood, some whole grain…

- Cut carbs: low carbs is an effective way to lose belly fat. It helps you to reduce your appetite, and prevent from diabetes.

- You should divide into many small meals, ensure to drink 2 liters of water a day.

- Eat food rich in fiber: according to study found that when you eat 14 grams of fiber per day, it will decrease10% in calorie. Fiber can be found in vegetables, fruits, oats…

2. Doing exercises

Doing exercise regularly is a most effective way to lose belly fat. When you do exercises, it will increase the body's metabolism and your body will need to consume a large amount of calories helps prevent the accumulation of fat in the body. According study found that physical activity can prevent from regaining weight, reduce blood sugar level in your body.

You can try do some exercises such as: V crunch, plank, push up…

- V crunch: You just lie on your left side so that the legs form the first 30-degree angle with your hips. Left hand down to the floor. Then put your right hand behind your head. Lift the left leg off the floor, shifting your weight toward the foot, slowly return to its original position. Do it 25 reps on each side. Plank: Hands-down the floor so that the hands form a 90 degree angle.

Then, stretch your legs on so that from shoulder to heel is a straight line. Slightly sunken abdomen, and keep it 30 seconds. Increasing every day until it kept to 1 minute.

- Push up: lie on the floor with face toward floor, keep the body by straight hand. Next, lower your body down until the chest close to the floor while breathe in. Then, breathe out and push your body back in the starting position.

3. Massage

Massage is nice method to lose belly fat, it also saves money cost and is convenience. The hands directly impact on the fat, gradually increasing the temperature of the skin and burn fat safely. You can massage with lemon, salt… Now, we show you the way of massaging with salt.

Before going bath, taking a little salt with a little hot water into a paste then apply on the abdomen and massage for 10 minutes. After that, use warm water to wash, take a large spoon salt in the palm, rub gently the abdomen until it is hot. Remember do not rub too hard.
