How to go from skinny to buff



10 tips to gain muscle and go from skinny to buff.

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How to go from skinny to buff

Change Begins In Your Mind

Prepare mentally for the lifestyle change you are about to make. Think about the hard work and pain ahead. Are you willing to sacrifice your time, certain foods and comfortable lifestyle?

Set Goals

Set realistic goals such as planning to gain 10kg (22lbs) in 6 months rather than in just 1 month.

Start with Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are free, they can help you build functional muscle especially if you are a beginner. Plus they build a solid foundation (strength and muscle gains) for when you decide to join a gym.

Lift Weights

Lifting weights is the best way to gain muscle fast. Lift heavy weights that challenge you. Say you are doing 10 rep sets, use a weight that has you struggling to complete the last few reps.

Start with Compound Lifts (3 times per week)

Compound lifts are the best for whole body muscle gain, because they target large muscle groups they trigger increased secretion of growth hormone and testosterone which help build muscle

Workout Split that Fits Your Lifestyle

After a couple months on compound program, choose a workout split to fit your lifestyle e.g. one body part per day (5 day split), or a 2 day split (upper body & lower body) or 3 day split that splits body parts into 3 groups and repeats twice weekly.

Eat More Food

Calculate your maintenance calories and eat 300 – 500 more calories. Have more protein, avoid junk food.

Be Consistent

Use Proper Lifting Techniques

Poor form can lead to injuries and rob you of proper muscle gains.

Don’t Follow Everyone’s Advice

Stick to your workout program, don’t change your workout program every time you read about a new one.
