How much OptiFer® is needed?


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How much OptiFer® is needed when the Hemoglobin count is low?

Hemoglobin concentration should not go below 12 g/dl

OptiFer® heme ironsupplements are efficientand very well tolerated

The heme iron in OptiFer® will increase also non-heme iron absorption

Tolerance of OptiFer® is so good that up to 3 tablets per day normally is not a problem

Theoretically an Hb-value of 10 means that some 800 mgs of absorbed iron is needed

One tablet of OptiFer® with a dose of 18 mg iron will give4,5 mg of absorbed iron

When iron is low, absorption will be significantly higher

Two packs of OptiFer® will correct a serious situation if Hb is at 9 g/dl

One pack of OptiFer® will correct the situation if Hb is at 10 or 11 g/dl

Heme iron uptake and tolerancewill not change over time. OptiFer® is ideal for chronics.

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