How E-cigarette Works?



Reveal the working of E-cigarettes, Role of Atomizer and Why It proved to be the Best Smoking Alternative. Brought to you by

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How E-cigarette Works?

First Of All, Why E-cigarettes, Not Cigarettes

•Tobacco Free

•Chemical Free

•Smoke Free

•Ash Free

•Tar Free

E-cigarettes = Cigarettes – All Harmfulness of Cigarettes = Better Smoking Alternative

The Principle Behind E-cigarettes?Often, it is hard to quit smoking, even trying various alternative approved by FDA, which are so called “ Smoking Cessation”.

So, the habit of smoking will continue anyway. To make it less harmful and without imposing/forcing a person to quit smoking, E-cigarettes Helps control the damage caused by long term Smoking, Without quitting the Smoking habit.

So, the person continue to smoke but doesn’t smoke harmful ingredients like tobacco, Tar and Chemical found in Traditional cigarettes.


Not To Worry, Try Better Smoking Alternative, That’s Rights, Its E-cigarettes !!

Before Understanding How it Works?

It Is better to Know about Three Key Components Behind The Success of E-cigarettes.

• Atomizer•Nicotine Chamber• Battery

Atomizer or Cartomizers

----> Atomizer

Battery -

What Atomizer Does?

With help of Air Sensor, Atomizer Start the Combustion Process of Liquid Nicotine Present in Nicotine Chamber and Produce Heat That Generates Vapor From Liquid Nicotine Which Smokers Inhale .

Atomizer Use Electric Power From Battery To Generate Heat for Vapor Production.

Very Simple Process………

1-Charge The Battery

2-Make Sure Liquid Is Present In Cartridge

3-Smoke, Whenever and Wherever You Wish

The Secret behind The Success of E-cigarettes??E-cigarette Produce the Vapor Same Way The

Tobacco Cigarettes Produce Smoke by Burning Tobacco. Which is Single Factor behind its Great Success!!

So, The Smoker Consumes Nicotine In Form of Vapor of Which, He Is Addicted to, Without Tobacco and Chemicals!!

Still Smoking Tobacco Cigarettes?

Make A Switch Now!!!