HempPRO - complete, balanced, natural protein powder with added superfoods and herbs



Members of the public: buy now at http://www.specialistsupplements.biz Trade customers: visit http://www.ownlabelproduct.co.uk HempPRO is no ordinary hemp protein powder - it's a complete, balanced and natural source of protein PLUS 15 other beneficial herbs and superfoods! Dairy-free, gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar-free, this plant protein shake is perfect for anyone looking for a protein boost without the bloating or other problems associated with dairy-based powders and whey protein. HempPRO is perfect for athletes and bodybuilders, slimmers, vegetarians and vegans and anyone leading an active lifestyle or looking to boost their nutrient (and particularly protein) intake. Specialist Supplements Ltd are based in the UK and have been supplying health clinics, detox spas, colonic hydrotherapists, surgeries, health stores and the public with high potency, GMP-manufactured health products and organic foods since 1995. Our product ranges include digestive aids, colon cleansers, probiotics, cleanse and detox, meal replacement shakes, antioxidants and superfoods, organic products, weight management support supplements, sports and muscle mass products, vegetarian and vegan supplements and protein powders and shakes.

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Pure hemp protein PLUS!

HempPRO Protein Powder

Complete, natural and balanced protein PLUS superfoods and herbs


Why choose HempPRO?

Hemp Acerola cherry Alfalfa Acai berry Beetroot Citrus Aurantium Chlorella Cinnamon Dandelion root Fenugreek

Green tea Celery Montmorency cherry Parsley Spinach Spirulina

HempPRO is NO ORDINARY PROTEIN POWDER! It contains hemp + 15 other superfoods and herbs


High in complete, balanced, natural protein

Hemp + 15 added herbs and superfoods

Easily digestible - no bloating

Dairy-free and gluten-free

Suitable for vegetarians and vegans

Rich in antioxidants

Contains ALL amino acids, including the 10 essential amino acids

Good to know...

Rich in Omega oils and Essential Fatty Acids

Rich in dietary fibre for a healthy colon and stable blood sugar levels

And...NON-GM, no hexane, no pesticides and no herbicides

No colours, no additives and no preservatives

Who should use HempPRO?

Athletes, bodybuilders and weightlifters to support muscle growth, stamina, performance and recovery

Slimmers, to support energy levels, fat-burning

and maintain nutrient intake during restricted

food choice

People on a restricted diet - eg. coeliacs, diabetics and those with

food intolerances / allergiesDairy







Vegetarians, vegans and others on a low protein and calcium diet

Anyone with a hectic lifestyle and who regularly skips meals - now there’s no excuse!

Anyone with a poor appetite or who

dislikes the taste of fruit and vegetables!

People recovering after illness or surgery or who have a weakened immune system

And anyone trying to lead a healthy and energetic lifestyle!

Visit our store today!

We are Specialist Supplements Ltd

We have been supplying the public with high quality supplements, herbal products and health foods since 1995

Visit us online now - atwww.specialistsupplements.co.uk

Your number one source for UK-made health supplements and foods!