Hearing aid styles



Hearing aid styles

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California Hearing Aid Professionals 720 S. Euclid Street Ste. 6, Anaheim, California, 92802, 714-776-8757 130 W. Route 66 Ste 210, Glendora, California, 91740, 626-963-7200

Hearing Aid Styles

There are many available hearing aid styles to suit

your hearing loss, style, and lifestyle needs. Over

time, hearing instruments have evolved from the

earliest non-electric ear trumpet styles often

made of animal horns or other materials to

today’s modern digital technology. Some hearing

aids today are so small they are practically

invisible. Please use this guide to walk you

through the hearing aids that have been available

in the past, and what is present today!

The earliest forms of hearing aids were merely funnel-shaped “trumpets”

guiding the sound into the ear. While this “funneling” of sound to the ear

may have been helpful to those with milder losses, for the most part, many

were not likely helped by these “aids”. The 1900s introduced the analog

electronic hearing aid. For the greater part, these aids were merely

amplifiers, increasing the volume of all sounds in the environment fairly

equally. Beginning as very large hand held and body worn aids, over time

advances were made in size reduction and in programmable features. The

1990s brought about the introduction of completely digital hearing


With digital processing, sound could be sorted out into smaller bits of

information, allowing for easy manipulation. This greater capability to control

the output of the sound allowed for very specific hearing customization.

While analog aids are still available, they are slowly being phased out for

more advanced digital products.

California Hearing Aid Professionals 720 S. Euclid Street Ste. 6, Anaheim, California, 92802, 714-776-8757 130 W. Route 66 Ste 210, Glendora, California, 91740, 626-963-7200

There are Five main types of hearing aids available in today’s market:

1. Receiver In The Canal (RIC) Hearing Aids

• RIC’s consist of a case which houses the majority of the working parts

of the hearing aid and a speaker/dome component.

• On the RIC the case has a small speaker wire attached which travels

down the front of the pinna and into the ear canal.

• They are available in all the technology levels, making the RIC hearing

aid a popular choice.

• RICs can be used for mild to profound hearing loss.

2. Behind-the-Ear (BTE)

• Worn over the top of the ear, connected to tubing that runs along the

front of the ear, attaching to a custom ear mold or dome tip in the ear


• May be in-stock since the main portion does not have to be custom


• Range in size from large to small and nearly invisible

• Considered one of the most appropriate styles for young children

• Fits a variety of losses from mild to profound

• Open-fit BTE

• A specific type of BTE that is connected by even thinner tubing or wire

to a small dome or custom mold in the ear canal

• Does not occlude the ear canal as much as other hearing aids

• Minimizes the feeling of being plugged up

California Hearing Aid Professionals 720 S. Euclid Street Ste. 6, Anaheim, California, 92802, 714-776-8757 130 W. Route 66 Ste 210, Glendora, California, 91740, 626-963-7200

• Minimizes the loudness and distortion of the sound of your own voice

when wearing aids

3. In-the-Ear (ITE)

• Custom fit to your ear

• Fits into the bowl of the ear with a receiver (speaker) extending into

the ear canal

• Various sizes from filling the entire bowl of the ear to only half

• Typically easy to insert and remove

4. In-the-Canal (ITC)

• Custom fit to your ear

• Fits into the very bottom of the bowl of the ear with a receiver

(speaker) extending into the ear canal

• Smallest style that can use more than one microphone at a time for

better noise reduction

• Typically easy to insert and remove

• Best for those with less severe hearing losses who do not want a large

hearing aid

5. Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)

• Custom fit to your ear

• Completely housed in the ear canal

• May not have all of the capabilities of the other styles due to lack of

room for placement

• Nearly invisible; very cosmetically appealing

California Hearing Aid Professionals 720 S. Euclid Street Ste. 6, Anaheim, California, 92802, 714-776-8757 130 W. Route 66 Ste 210, Glendora, California, 91740, 626-963-7200

• Best aid for natural telephone use

• Better for less severe hearing losses

• Difficult to insert and remove for those with dexterity issues

• May require more frequent repairs due to moisture and wax build up

because of deep ear placement

Ask your hearing healthcare professional what hearing aid style is best for

you today!
