For A Healthy Heart And Sharp Vision: The Organic Essential Oil Of Carrot Seeds!



In this write up, I am going to share with you all that how the organic Carrot seed essential oil can benefit our lifestyles. I vividly remember my childhood days when my mother told me to eat Carrots everyday as they would benefit me for good eyesight.

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For A Healthy Heart And Sharp Vision: The Organic

Essential Oil Of Carrot Seeds!

Carrot Seeds Essential Oil Aromaaz International

• In this write up, I am going to share with you all that how the organic Carrot seed essential oil can benefit our lifestyles. I vividly remember my childhood days when my mother told me to eat Carrots everyday as they would benefit me for good eyesight. More so, she would always encourage my father to take up a regular and rich carrot diet regime as it would help him keeping his heart healthy. Bingo! She was absolutely right, as Carrots are a rich source of Vitamin A, a key for healthy eyes and saving your eyes from developing ‘Night Blindness’, besides being a good source of Vitamins C, E and K and other fibers!

• The immense health benefits of the certified organic Carrot seed essential oil can be attributed to its medicinal properties as an anti-septic, anti-oxidant, anti-carcinogenic, carminative, cyto-phylactic, disinfectant, detoxifying, depurative, diuretic, emenagogue, stimulant, tonic and vermifuge substance.

• More recent researches have acknowledged Carrots protecting against not only deadly cancers but also cardiovascular diseases as well. In a decade long carried out by researchers in Netherlands, it was observed that those who ate Carrots or consumed juice coming from raw Carrots regularly, they had a significantly lower risk of developing any cardiovascular disease.

• Since many years scientist and researchers have shown interest in Carrots as for their high Carotenoid content. β-Carotene is a powerful anti-oxidant and one cup of Carrots’ juice provides over 400% of your daily food-intake value. Other research studies have focused on several phyto-nutrients found in Carrots that are known to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

• In skin care, one may not care about the Carrot itself, but for its seeds - YES! Like other seed oils, Carrot seed oil has a number of skin benefits, including the ability to rejuvenate dry, mature and wrinkled skin.

• What is “Magical” about Carrot seed essential oil is its ability to rejuvenate skin, which the scientists feel is due to the Carotol content, a primary component found in organic Carrot seed essential oil. The oil also has moisturizing Vitamin E and protective Vitamin C, which combine to encourage healing and rejuvenate the skin cells and hence give new life to skin. As a matter of fact, the certified Carrot seeds essential oil also helps curing dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. It is good for the skin and protects it from developing wrinkles.

• The organic essential oil of Carrot seeds is extensively used in the fields of aromatherapy as for its mild and soothing earthy odor which effectively relieves stress and anxiety and refreshes mind. Carrot seed essential oil is also well reputed that cures anorexia, relieves muscle and joint pains, encourages and enhances the Erythrocytes production in the body besides improving and sharpening eye sight.

Carrot seed oil is the essential oil extract from the seed of the

• The Carrot plant or Daucus carota is also known as “Queen Anne’s Lace”. This plant is an biennial or annual herb bearing hairy leaves and umbrella-shaped White lacy flowers that have Purple centers. The certified organic Carrot seed essential oil is extracted from the seeds of the organically harvested and grown wild Carrots by the means of steam distillation. The yielded oil displays a beautiful sunny Orange-Red color whiffing a soothing and mild earthy tang! You may be aware of the Orange Carrot only, however there are other varieties coming in Purple, Yellow, White and Red Carrots as well. The common Carrot and its other varieties are known to be originally cultivated in central Asia and Middle-Eastern countries.

• You must make a note of this that it is often confused with the infused variety of Carrot oil, which uses the taproot (orange, edible portion) of organically cultivated Carrots and richly macerated in carrier oil like Olive oil.

• Apart from its components like α-Pinene, β-Pinene, γ-Terpinene, Limonene, Camphene, Sabinene, Myrcene, β-Bisabolene, Carotol and Geranyl-Acetate, Carrot seed oil is rich in Carotenoid, Carotene and Vitamin-A, which are very beneficial for the eyes and are effective anti-oxidants.

• Although there are diverse blends for various and different purposes known, Carrot seed essential oil blends well with Avocado, Bergamot, Cedar wood, Geranium, Juniper berry, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Orange oils.

One will surely find the certified organic Carrot seed essential oil in these five under

mentioned products mixes!

• Anti-Aging Eye Cream• Anti-Aging Facial Oil• Anti-Aging Serum• Herbal Facial Oil for Oily and Acne Prone

Skin• Herbal Facial Oil for Normal and

Combination Skin

How else have you tried this magical Carrot seed essential oil other than applying it on your skin? Kindly share your recipes and experiences in your comments. Also, come back to me and describe your first time experience using this wonderful essential oil of Carrot seeds. If you are looking for a best quality certified organic Carrot seeds essential oil at unbelievably low cost, I recommend you to purchase it from M/s AROMAAZ INTERNATIONAL. GOD Bless!
