Female Genital System




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*female genital organs are classified into: 1- External Genitalia 2- Internal Genitalia

*External Genitalia: include: 1-Labia Majora 2-Labia Minora 3-Clitoris*Internal Genitalia: include: 1- Vagina 2- Uterus 3- Fallopian Tubes 4- Ovaries

*External Genitalia:1-Labia Majora: Located on either side of the

vaginal opening , extending from the Mons pubis to the perineum

They are two folds of skin contain: skin-subcutaneous tissue , sebaceous glands , sweat glands and hair follicles

2-Labia MinoraTwo thin folds of tissue located within

the folds of the labia majoraThey extend from the clitoris downward

toward the perineumThey contain skin - sebaceous glands-sweat

glands and no hair follicles

3-Clitoris: small, elongated organ composed of erectile

tissue , nerves and blood vessels

*Internal Genitalia:1. Vagina

*Location and description:The vagina is a muscular tube that extends

upward and backward from the vulva to the uterus

It measures about: 8-10cm in length and 2cm in thickness and lined by stratified squamous epithelium.

PH : acidic due to action of on glycogen and becomes slightly alkaline in menses , pregnancy , before and after reproductive period.

Blood supply:-vaginal artery: branch of IIA-vaginal branch of the uterine artery

- vaginal plexus drains into IIV*Supports of the vagina:-Upper part: by pelvic fascia to levator ani

muscles –transverse cervical-pubocervical and sacrocervical ligaments.

-middle: by urogenital diaphragm.-lower: by perineal body posteriorly.

Relations:-Ant_: bladder above &urethra below-Post_:the rectum ’ rectouterine pooch & perineal body.-Lat_: upper part is related to levators ani &uterine artery

#N.e: Fornix: is a cavity of

the vagina by the sides of the cervix (one ant., one post, and 2 laterals.)

*Papanicolaou found that vaginal smears may contain cells which indicate early onset of Ca Cx.

*UterusIt is a hollow ‘ pear-shaped

organ with thick muscular wall in which the embryo and fetus normally develop & grow.

*The wall of the uterus has 3 layers:

1-Endometrium 2-Myometrium 3-Perimetrium

*In young nulliparous it measures: 7.5cm---length 5cm---wide 2.5---thick

But in general Its size differ according to the age

The uterus is divided into:1-fundus2-body3-cervix

1-The fundus: lies above the entrance of uterine tubes

2-The body: lies below the entrance of uterine tubes and above the Cx.

3-The cervix: from the internal os to external os ‘ it has uterine & vaginal parts

The lower segment of the uterus characterized:

1-anatomically: it is loosely attached to peritoneum

2-physiologically: it is retractile & not contractile

3-It is 6cm above the internal os

*Blood supply:-Uterine artery: from internal iliac artery ‘

it has : 1-Ascending branch: which

anastomoses with ovarian artery to supply the body&ovary.

2-Descending branch: to supply the Cx

Relations:*-ant: separated from U.bladder by uterovesical

pouch.*-Post: separated from the rectum by rectouterine

pouch.*-Lat: broad ligament and uterine artery&vein

*Fallopian tubes: They consist of 4 parts: 1-interstitial (intramural) 2-isthmus 3-ampulla 4-infundibulum

*Ovaries:They are intra peritoneum ‘ almond-shaped

organs producing oocytes and hormones and about:3×2×1cm in size ‘ Postmenopausal size is smaller.

*Blood supply: -arteries: by ovarian arteries from the abd-

aorta at level of L1 -veins: Rt----IVC Lt----Lt renal vein
