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The Need  The World Health Organization estimates

that 670 million people are currently living without glasses that they need. Their poor vision is costing the economy of the developing world up to $400bn per year.

In the UK there is an optometrist to serve every 8,400 people, but in parts of sub-Saharan Africa this ratio can be as poor as one optometrist for every 1,000,000 people

IntroductionEyejusters are a revolutionary new way of helping the world see, but they're based on very successful projects, fieldwork, studies and trials already done with earlier

designs of self-adjustable glasses from other groups. We're building

on all this work with a next-generation product that everyone

can wear.

Our Business  The fundamentals of Eyejusters you buy are the same in the

developing world and the developed world - in fact, it's a point of pride. We don't believe that developing world users should have to settle for lower quality glasses, and we don't believe the developed world should have to pay over the odds for eyewear.

We utilise the latest technology to drive down costs and improve product quality. Everything we do is designed to increase the value for money of our products, from manufacturing technologies and production line management through to low overheads and directly dealing with suppliers.

We're not fond of middlemen, and we don't hire expensive consultants to do our work for us. By keeping know-how and skills in-house, we believe we can deliver a better, lower-cost product to our customers in the developing world.

Our Product 

We take an interest in all the stages of glasses delivery to help deliver the best quality vision correction possible to those who previously lacked it. From training course materials and sight test kits through to packaging for easy distribution in difficult locations and designs to make sure the glasses keep being worn after you’ve dispensed them, we care passionately about making sure our glasses are used to their potential.

Why adjustable reading glasses..???? If you wear reading glasses, you probably already

know the frustration of having multiple pairs with

different powers for different tasks. One for the

computer, one for reading, one for doing close

hobby work.


Eyejusters change everything. The lenses in

Eyejusters can be adjusted to change power at any

time. This means you can quickly change the

focusing distance in each eye whenever you change

task. It's like having multiple pairs of reading

glasses, all in one.

How To Use It…

How It Is Innovative…????

UV ray protectionRe-adjustable

High quality glasses - available for all

Stunning SlideLens technology

Easy to look after

Style for all

Our Partners Eyejusters works with partners around

the world to help improve our glasses and the enormous distribution challenges of the developing world.

By working with us, you can help develop improvements to our product line to provide high quality vision correction to those you work with. We'd love to talk to you regarding your work and how we can help.