Extended project presentation


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For our extended project we could pick from four different types

• Produce an Artefact

• Write a dissertation

• Develop and showcase a performance

• Conduct a field study or investigation

Finial Decision:

Question - “PHOTOGRAPHY & BEAUTY, what Photoshop has done to our generation’?

My artefact will include – Photographs that I will take myself and digitally enhance them on Photoshop to show how much you can actually change using editing software.

Things to research

-          The effect that airbrushing has on young woman and teens – low self-esteem – eating disorders

-          What editing on Photoshop can actually achieve

-          What people are doing to stop the use of over airbrushed images in the media


Artefact on Photoshop, beauty and photography.



“Photography & Beauty, What Photoshop Has Done To Our



Britney Spears, aged 29 has recently released before and after pictures of her natural and the others being airbrushed. Britney made this move to release the airbrushed and original pictures of herself because she feels that woman have to much pressure to feel perfect nowadays so she has released these pictures to show the world for all her 'un-airbrushed glory'. I personally think this was a brave step for Britney, and the images are a great message for young girls to show how much airbrushing can really perfect.

As you can see, on the left is the original image and the one on the right is the airbrushed one, her waist has been considerly shrunk, her thighs have been made a lot thinner and calves smoothed, her skin completion has been perfected to be glowy and silky looking.

The first thing you recognize on this image is the dramatic work that has been done to her bum, it has been so edited that you would never be able to tell that this is the same persons bottom! All traces of her cellulite have been removed, and have been replaced with entirely blemish-free skin, that looks glowy and perfected.

I think that this was a great thing for Britney to do, it is a great message to young girls about how much airbrushing is capable of and shows that people who we think are perfect are not as perfect as we think!


The majority of teenage girls could look at themselves and find something that they would want to tweak, smooth, tone or just completely change about themselves. Airbrushing in magazines is damaging teenage girl's self-esteem, instead of magazines showing inspiring and aspirational images they are using images of famous celebrity’s who have so much money to look amazing and on top of that airbrush them. Failing to achieve this perfected self, that we are shown by many publications can lead to serious issues, such as eating disorders that can lead to death, self-harming and plastic surgery addiction. This utter hopelessness of people feeling this way has opened a huge door for the advertisement industry. Make-up and other beauty product adverts pretty much all use digital technology to make their product look like it does wonders, when it quite frankly can’t. This leads to miserable young woman spending hundreds of pounds on products that only lead to more disappointment when they see that the product does not look the same as it did on the 'stunning' girl in the advert.The UK magazine Heat has run campaigns where stars come forward to publish pictures of themselves in the magazine wearing no makeup. I personally think this was a great campaign and that things like this need to be done more regularly as a reminder that celebrities are not as perfect as we think. No one yet has successfully carried through an argument against the use of negative air brushing, but throughout the years there have been arguments and campaigns against the use. Even expects and the some celebs themselves agree that the airbrushing that goes on today portrays the image of a unrealistic body, and how it is seriously damaging our generations health.

Lorraine: Naked

The well known show 'Lorraine' which features on itv hosted by Lorraine Kelly herself, is searching all over the UK for the most naturally beautiful woman, no make up, no Botox and definitely no cosmetic surgery. She is running a campaign to show that you don't need make up to be beautiful, and will pick one lucky girl to be the face of a new upcoming Superdrug campaign. I think this is such an inspiring idea and more competitions and things like this as such should take place more often, it sends out a great message to all woman of Britain that you don't need expensive make-up, surgery and Botox to keep looking fresh and beautiful. Not only is the lucky winner lucky enough to appear in Superdrug stores, and its own magazine they also get to a free modeling shoot in London. I cant wait to see the end results of this competition. Below is a picture before and after of Loraine with and without makeup and hair.



I’m very happy with the outcome of my work and understand a lot more about the negative impact that over-airbrushed images are having in the media today, and the negative effects that it is having on young woman such as self-confidence issues which is leading to bigger issues like eating disorders.

What I would like to improve….

