Everything You Need To Know About Dental Crowns



Interested in tooth restoration and dental crowns? Discover what dental crowns are, how they are used and what they're made of. This presentation covers everything from the reasons to get a dental crown, to why you or someone you know might benefit from one. You'll also get a list of tips and resources to ensure you get the best results.

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Everything You Need To Know About

Dental Crowns


What Is A Dental Crown? (1 of 2)

A dental crown is a type of tooth restoration that fully cups the portion of a tooth or dental implant that lies at and above the gum line.

The crown becomes the tooth's new outer surface.


A dental crown is permanently cemented to the tooth it has been made for.

Once placed, the tooth-crown unit functions, and is cared for, just like a natural tooth.

What Is A Dental Crown? (2 of 2)


1. To cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there is not a lot of tooth left (or to hold a dental bridge in place).

Why Is A Crown Needed? (1 of 5)


2. To protect a tooth weakened (by cavities, decay, etc.) from breaking. A crown can also help hold together a cracked tooth.

Why Is A Crown Needed? (2 of 5)


3. To restore an already broken tooth or a tooth that has been severely worn down.

Why Is A Crown Needed? (3 of 5)


4. Improve the form and appearance of your teeth (including color, shape and even apparent alignment).

Why Is A Crown Needed? (4 of 5)


5. To cover a dental implant so that it better matches your natural teeth.

Why Is A Crown Needed? (5 of 5)


Porcelain (or other type of dental ceramic). Dental crowns which are made up of porcelain or silica use material similar to vases and clay pots.

There are two types of Porcelain Crowns: porcelain fused metal crown (PFM) and all porcelain crowns.

What Are Crowns Made of? (1 of 3)


Metal (a gold or other metal alloy). Gold crowns are a classic type of dental crowns which are made entirely from gold or gold alloy.

What Are Crowns Made of? (2 of 3)


A combination of dental ceramic and metal alloy (porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns). A thin metal casting is made first and porcelain is applied over the entire surface.

No metal is placed at the gum line where the teeth are viewed.

What Are Crowns Made of? (3 of 3)


To restore or make changes to the shape of your teeth

To strengthen and fortify your teeth

To improve the appearance of your teeth

Reasons To Get A Crown? (1 of 4)


Strengthens your teeth

It helps strengthen the tooth by adding a hard outer shell that protects the tooth structure within. 

Reasons To Get A Crown? (2 of 4)


Restores or improves your tooth's shape

It's easier to get the "perfect" tooth shape with a crown.

Reasons To Get A Crown? (3 of 4)


Improved appearance

Typically, teeth that qualify for dental crowns are misshaped, broken or severely discolored. A crown often enhances the appearance of those teeth.

Reasons To Get A Crown? (4 of 4)
