E cigarettes – can they really help you quit smoking



E-cigarettes have gained popularity as a smoking cessation device. But does the health risks associated with it outweigh the benefits?

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E-cigarettes – What are they?

An e-cigarette (electronic cigarette) or ENDS (electronic nicotine delivery systems) is a device powered by batteries, which people use for simulation of actual cigarette smoking. They function by vaporizing and delivering to the lungs of the smoker, a chemical mixture usually composed of nicotine, propylene glycol and other chemicals. According to manufacturers, they are an alternative for tobacco smokers who want to avoid inhaling smoke. They were introduced in 2007 and are as an alternative frequently seen in the health news as an alternative to regular cigarettes.



How do they work?

E-cigarettes are long tubes which look like actual cigarettes, cigars or pipes, depending on the model. They have refillable and replaceable cartridges which are reusable. Disposable varieties are also available. When the user sucks on an e-cigarette, a sensor activates a heat element which vaporizes a liquid solution in the mouthpiece. The solutions are referred to as e-liquid. They typically can contain hundreds of flavors. Most available solutions contain nicotine dissolved in propylene glycol and/or vegetable glycerin, giving the user an experience of inhaling nicotine without smoke. This has been colloquially termed as “vaping”. Nicotine concentrations range from zero to extra-high (24-36 mg/ml). A small LED light indicates whether the device has been activated when the user takes the first puff.



Are they safe?

E-cigarettes have not been declared safe and there is no scientific basis to contradict this. E-cigarettes have been touted as an alternative to smoking and are said to be safer and cause lesser health risks. But, the fact remains that the most harmful component is actual cigarettes, nicotine is still a major component of the e-cigarettes. Also, e-cigarettes contain large concentrations of propylene glycol, which is an irritant to the lungs. Testing of some e-cigarette brands has also led to the discovery of other toxic chemicals. Also, another major drawback is the non-disclosure of many of the chemicals used in e-cigarettes by their manufacturers.



The World Health Organization (WHO) states that as of July 2013, “the efficacy in using electronic cigarettes to aid in smoking cessation has not been demonstrated scientifically.” They recommend that "consumers should be strongly advised not to use electronic cigarettes until a reputable national regulatory body has found them safe and effective”.



Can they help you quit smoking?

Despite their drawbacks, there are quite a few stories out there of people who have claimed that e-cigarettes have helped them quit smoking and changed their lives. Proponents of the e-cigarette say that the experience has given them less coughing and easier breathing with e-cigarettes compared to regular cigarettes. The Royal College of Physicians and a number of other doctors have advocated their use as a safer alternative to smoking. Compared to alternative therapies of nicotine withdrawal like patches and gum, e-cigarettes had the highest response rate.



However, problems due exist in this rosy scenario. It has not been scientifically demonstrated that e-cigarettes can be used an alternative to cigarettes. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the WHO are studying e-cigarettes and their effects, but it will probably be years before they can officially be approved. Since, e-cigarettes are not currently regulated by the FDA, what is in them is still a mystery and hence, is dangerous.




E-cigarettes have emerged as a double edged sword. They seem to be a good smoking cessation device. However, their obvious health risks, lack of research on them and the fact that their manufacture and use are not regulated all seem to go against them. Until such time as they are officially declared to be safe and effective, consumers should be wary of using them.

