Dr. Carlos Rubio Advice to Keep Your Mouth Clean


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Dr. Carlos Rubio’s Six Rules to Achieve A Clean Mouth

Don’t you wish to have a dazzling smile with clean and cavity-free teeth? Well, if your answer is YES, you need to follow these six simple rules of Dr. Carlos Rubio:

Dr. Carlos Rubio’s Six Rules to Achieve A Clean Mouth

1. Brushing and flossing- At Rubio Dental

Group in Los Algodones, Mexico, we recommend our patients to brush and floss after every meal, if possible.

Dr. Carlos Rubio’s Six Rules to Achieve A Clean Mouth

2. Use Fluoridated Cleaning Products- Dr. Carlos Rubio

recommends the use of fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwashes to keep your teeth free from decay or cavities.

Dr. Carlos Rubio’s Six Rules to Achieve A Clean Mouth

3. In-between meals snacking- Avoid frequent

snacking sweets in between meals. You are just inviting acid attack if you keep on munching on snacks and do not give time for your mouth to cleanse itself.

Dr. Carlos Rubio’s Six Rules to Achieve A Clean Mouth

4. Say NO to Tobacco in All its Forms- Quit tobacco in all

its forms. Stop smoking or chewing tobacco to ensure that your teeth stay healthy for a longer time.

Dr. Carlos Rubio’s Six Rules to Achieve A Clean Mouth

5. Avoid Triple Ss – Sugary, sticky and starchy

foods should be limited as these foods are the ones that cause decay.

Dr. Carlos Rubio’s Six Rules to Achieve A Clean Mouth

6. Visit Your Dentist on A Regular Basis- You must make it a point to

visit your dentist at least once in a year for your routine dental check-up. At Rubio Dental Group in Algodones, we advise our patients to visit us at least once in every 6 months. This helps our team to identify decay quickly. Besides regular cleaning, we clean hard tartar and under your bridges. These areas are difficult to clean with normal brushing.

Dr. Carlos Rubio’s Six Rules to Achieve A Clean Mouth

For more information about Dr. Carlos Rubio: http://www.dentalrubio.com/ https://twitter.com/carlosrubiodr https://www.facebook.com/pages/RUBIO-Dental-G

roup/461744477236142 https://www.crunchbase.com/person/dr-carlos-rub

io https://www.pinterest.com/drcarlosrubio/

Dr. Carlos Rubio’s Six Rules to Achieve A Clean Mouth

