Dr Ananda's presentation on Yoga for dentists at Perio Fiesta 2017


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Yoga for Dental Professionals



Director CYTER Centre for Yoga Education, Therapy and Research,

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry. www. sbvu.ac.in/ahs/yoga

SRI BALAJI VIDYAPEETH(Deemed University Accredited with “A” Grade by NAAC)

Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER)

Salutogenesis, our focus!

Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

Salutogenesis, our Focus• Moving from pathogenesis, the focus on disease

towards salutogenesis, the focus on health!

• Under SBV AIM HIGH SBV AIM HIGH (Academy of Integrative Medicine for Holistic Intervention towards General Health), Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, CYTER is striding forward on an innovative path of promoting holistic health for one and all.

Bridging the experiential wisdom of Yoga with empirical modern medical science.

Yoga is usually found in Physical Edu & Sports deptts of universities

We at CYTER, have it in a medical institution since 2010– quality of life enhancing benefits

for ~ 41, 000 patients – educating future Yoga therapists

(PGDYT, M.Phil, PhD), – creating awareness amongst

medical, dental and nursing students & professionals– scientifically researching Yoga, – 69 publications & 4 CMEs

Why introduce Yoga for dental

students and professionals?


• Dental professionals face unique physical, mental, and emotional challenges every day.

• These can create discord and imbalance, especially when they're combined.

• Contortion of their bodies to gain better visibility, sitting for long periods, as well as hunching over computer keyboards put enormous strain on the musculoskeletal system.

• Dealing with fearful patients, uncooperative team members, and job related frustrations can become overwhelming.

• Resultant stress, anxiety, anger, and depression. Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

• Prevalence of general musculoskeletal pain is estimated to be between 64% and 93%

• Major issues :– back pain (36.3-60.1%) and – neck pain (19.8-85%).

• Risk factors identified for these occupational predispositions include the static and awkward posture of clinical practice as well as other non-ergonomic work practices.

• Physical, mental and emotional stress precipitate or aggravate such factors!

Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

• It has been recently (2015) suggested that Yoga may be a good way for dentists to relieve stress and reduce the risk for repetitive strain injury and dysfunctional posture.

• Another survey (2015) amongst 220 dentists found statistically significant difference in prevalence of musculoskeletal pain among those practicing Yoga compared to those with no regular activity over a period of 12 months.

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• However, ignorance and resistance to Yoga still persists amongst health professionals.

• A recent cross–sectional survey in Chennai (2015) reported that despite musculoskeletal pain and stress being the most common occupational hazard prevalent among dentists, over 50% of the 390 respondents surveyed didn't seek any measure to treat these occupational hazards.

• Only 10% of them practiced Yoga as the alternative therapy.

Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

Restoring Human Values: Role of Yoga

• Recent developments showcased through social media highlight a lack of human values in modern health professionals. (The MERSALMERSAL effect?)

• Compassion, empathy and a sincere desire to relieve suffering are found lacking and this seemingly becomes even rarer as qualifications increase.

• Kidney rackets, unnecessary surgeries, lab commissions & inflated bills commonly bemoaned.

• Recently medical students in Chennai were found throwing a poor dog off their rooftop in glee.

• Monkey tortured and killed at CMC, Vellore

Why yoga? • Yoga, an ancient cultural heritage of India is

spreading rapidly; practiced by millions globally.• Offers a broader perspective of life and refines all

round personality (purna purusha)• Enables the attainment of inherent potential of each

individual in a holistic manner. • Yoga is not just a system of exercise but is a way of

life, an attitude and a conscious lifestyle. • A Yogi is just a good human being.

• Shouldn’t our doctors be good human beings?

SBV 2013-17SBV 2013-17

Bhavanani AB. SMVMCH. 16.12.2016

Yoga for IGIDS students @ CYTER 2015, 16 & 17

Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 4.4.2017

Why yoga? .................. Contd

• Stresses importance of social and personal values– Yama (restraints of subhuman tendencies such as

violence, stealing and greed etc), and – Niyama (humane observances: cleanliness,

contentment, self-introspection & discipline). • Inculcation of these universal values in dental

students and professionals enables them to be more humane in their life and profession.

• Provides a contextual purpose for life and service.

Yoga places great importance on a proper and healthy lifestyle whose main components are:

ACHAR – healthy physical activities & exercise

VICHAR – right thoughts and right attitude towards life that are vital for wellbeing.

AHAR – healthy, nourishing diet with adequate intake of fresh water; balanced intake of fresh food, green salads, sprouts, unrefined cereals & fresh fruits. Satwic diet, prepared & served with love & affection.

VIHAR –recreational activities to relax body and mind.

VIVAHAR – healthy relationships with self and others

Suggested mechanisms• Psycho-physical techniques of Yoga such as asana,

pranayama, mudra, dharana and dhyana enable attainment of physical, mental and emotional fitness.

• Skilful & efficient management of stressors through induction of relaxation response.

• A broader worldview enables doctors to fulfil their responsibility (dharma) in the spirit of nishkama karma (non-attachment to results of one’s actions).

• This prevents unhealthy “Me first”, “Make the most money”, “Who cares as long as I am safe” type of attitudes from developing in dental professionals.

Empathy is the key!


Wholistic:• Preventive, promotive, rehabilitative, curative? • Science, philosophy, art• Involves body, mind, spirit• Desirable +ve “side benefits”• Simultaneous improvement in health and control of

other conditions • Relief from stress - the main cause of Adhija Vyadhi

(psychosomatic disorders)

Perceived Stimulus

Perceived Stimulus

Stress management through Yoga

• Dr W Selvamurthy gave a beautiful message at SBV recently. He said:

Yoga enables and empowers individuals to

–Modify their perceptions of the stressors,–Optimise their responses to them, and– Efficiently release the pent up stresses.

• We can think of it as a 3-in-1 action!!

How How does this does this happenhappen


Psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinological correlates of stress, illness & health




Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

Psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinological correlates of stress, illness & health







Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

Psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinological correlates of stress, illness & health










Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017



sms o

f Yog




sms o

f Yog


Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

Where the mind goes, there the energy flows!

You can use your mind

to change your brain

to change your mind for the better.

This is self-directed neuroplasticity.

Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

Uninostril / alternate nostril pranayamas

Suryanadi asana Chandranadi asana

Whooshing tensions away-nasarga mukha bhastrika

Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

Balancing energy centers (chakras) with gestured mindfulness

Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

Twisting the arms-Garuda

Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

Opening the shoulders-Gomukha

Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

Stretching the spine-Tala Asana

Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

Twisting the spine - Bharadwaja

Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017

Tension relaxation coupling: Spanda nishpanda

Bhavanani AB. IGIDS. 3.11.2017


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Accredited with ‘AA’ grade by NAAC