Does the Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) at the Time of Surgery Improve Clinical Outcomes in...


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Does the Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma at the

Time of Surgery Improve Clinical Outcomes

in Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair When

Compared With Control Cohorts?

A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses

Principle Investigator:

Bryan M. Saltzman, MD


Akshay Jain, BS

Kirk A. Campbell, MD

Randy Mascarenhas, MD, FRCSC

Anthony A. Romeo, MD

Nikhil N. Verma, MD

Brian J. Cole, MD, MBA


• Incidence of rotator cuff tear repair

continues to increase

…so too do retear rates

• Patient-related factors

• Extrinsic factors

• Biologic augmentation to improve quality

of repair tissue and ultimately, improve

outcomes and patient satisfaction


• Platelet-rich plasma

– Collagen synthesis

– Vascularization

– Cell proliferation

• Use at time of rotator cuff


• Discordance in results of

recent meta-analyses Reproduced from:


(1) To conduct a systematic review of meta-analyses

evaluating PRP use at time of arthroscopic RCR

- Clinical Outcomes?

- Re-tear rates?

(2) To provide a framework for the analysis and

interpretation of the best currently available evidence

(3) To identify gaps in the literature where suggestions

for continued investigational efforts would be valid


Search Methodology

6 Level II + 1 Level III meta-analyses included

Search Methodology

Study Results

Variability among referenced studies in:

– Outcome measures

Study Results

• Variability among referenced studies in:

– Outcome measures

– Surgical fixation technique

– Concomitant acromioplasty

– Size of rotator cuff tear

– Imaging to assess for postop re-tear occurrence


• Characteristics

• Preparation

• Consistency

• Administration during surgery

Study Results

Mean patient age range: 58.9 to 60.7 years

– Range in individual studies reported between

29 – 77 yrs

– Age is an indirect reflection of physiology

Study Results

• PRP does not provide significantly better…

– Constant score

– UCLA Score

– Constant Pain Score

– SANE score

– ASES score

– SST score

– VAS score more than 1 week postoperatively

• Isolated discordant results:

– 1 study reported PRP had superior Constant score, SST score, and

VAS score at 7 days postop

Study Results

Overall: Re-tear Rate

– All 7 included meta-analyses included individual studies

which identified re-tear through MRI or US

– Re-tear rate in patients with PRP use: 25.6% to 28.7%

– Re-tear rate in control patients: 28% to 36.7%

– No significant difference in any study

• RR ranged from 0.55 to 0.94

Study Results

Subgroup Analysis: Re-tear Rate

– 4 studies performed subgroup analyses

– PRP showed significantly lower re-tear rates in

“small/medium” cuff tears

• 7.9% versus 26.8% in one of the studies

• RR range from 0.32 to 0.60

– NNT with PRP in “small/medium” tears: 6 to 14

– No difference PRP vs. control patients with

“large/massive” tears

Study Results

Subgroup Analysis: Retear Rate

– 1 study determined PRP use exhibited a larger re-

tear reduction effect after:

• Double-row repair with

Initial tear sizes > 3 cm (AP length) (25.9% with PRP

vs 57.1% without PRP)

• PRFM (14.8%) vs liquid-based PRP use (46.8%)

Study Results

• Subgroup Analysis: Constant score

– PRP injection at the tendon-bone

interface may provide a higher gain (vs.

“injection at repair site”)

Study Results


– None of the included meta-analyses

supported the routine use of PRP at the time

of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair

Study Quality and Validity

• QUOROM Scores ranged from 15 to 17 (max = 18)

• Oxman-Guyat score of 7 (max = 7) for all studies

• All 7 included meta-analyses provided a high level of

currently available evidence

• However, studies reported high risk of bias in many

individually-included studies


• All 7 included meta-analyses provided a high level

of currently available evidence

• Thus:

– Current highest level of evidence suggests

that nondiscriminatory, routine PRP use at

the time of arthroscopic RCR surgery does

not universally improve re-tear rates or

affect clinical outcome scores


However, effects of PRP use on re-tear rate

may be beneficial if…

(1) A composition of PRFM

(2) Application at the tendon-bone interface

(3) in double-row technique repair

(4) with small- and/or medium-sized rotator

cuff tears

Future Questions

• Best volume or preparation of PRP?


• PRP injection postop? Multiple doses?

• Cost-efficacy?

Thank You
