Disadvantages of using steroids



If you are habituated with steroids then it can be harmful for your future life, want to overcome this problem? Visit us at http://www.anabolicamerica.com/, to get right information about these.

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Disadvantages of Using


Uses of steroids

People use steroids to

prevent anemia.

Sometime steroids are

used for pain


Injectable Steroids are

used for increase

muscle mass.

Steroids are also use

to reduce


Bad Effects Of Using


Male users – Infertility due to low sperm count, baldness, violent and

fighting behavioral moods.

Female users – Facial hair growth, male-patterned baldness,

abdominal pains, oily skin condition, breast cancer

Teenage users – Growth becomes halted, liver diseases, bone pain.

About Anabolic America

If you are habituated with steroids then it can be harmful for

your future life, want to overcome this problem? Visit

Anabolic America to get right information about these.
