Diet Habits that tackle Weight Loss



Obesity is a major cause of concern for most of us today. Instead of undergoing expensive diet treatments and gym sessions, give these simple diet tips a try and you will be in for a pleasant surprise with the result!

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Don’t skip Breakfast

1. Research has shown time and time again that eating breakfast is essential to losing weight and keeping it off. Start each weight loss diet day with a healthy and generous breakfast comprised of wholegrain bread, an egg white omelet and fruit

Get your Fruit & Veggie load Regularly

2. It’s recommended to consume 3 cups of vegetables and about 2 servings of fruit daily. As a general rule of thumb, make sure that vegetables fill 50% of your plate during meals. As for snacks, eat fruit instead of sugar-laden items throughout the day.

Shop Wisely

3. Firstly, don’t shop on an empty stomach as this will make you not only grab more food items than you need, but you’ll also tend to grab foods high in sugar. Establish a grocery shopping schedule; create a list of healthy items and stick to the list!

Don’t Eat in a Rush

4. If you eat in haste, you’re not chewing your food properly and this means your body takes longer to digest your food. Also, by giving yourself time to sit down and eat, you’ll have a more enjoyable dining experience.

Use a Pedometer

5. Use a pedometer and measure 10,000 steps daily. Walking just 30 minutes a day can do wonders for your health and physique. Instead of timing yourself, you can also just go for 10K steps a day using a pedometer to measure your steps.

Snack Healthier

6. Part of any successful weight loss diet plan is to snack wisely. Instead of grabbing for a bag of chips, reach for an apple, vegetable sticks or a protein-rich snack.

Switch to Green Tea

7. Instead of drinking cup after cup of coffee or can after can of soda, reach for green tea! It’s high in antioxidants and research has shown that it’s great for weight loss!

Always bring a Water Bottle

8. We all know we need to drink enough water daily but most of us don’t. To get in to the habit of drinking water, carry around a water bottle with you

Felling Hungry? Wait for 20 minutes

9. When hunger strikes, give yourself about 20 minutes before you reach for the first thing that comes to your mind. Often, drinking a glass of water, nibbling on a carrot stick or eating half an apple is enough to banish any cravings for cookies.

No more Fast Food

10. Any serious weight loss diet plan considers fast food meals a no-no. Fast food meals should be a last-minute, no-other-choice solution rather than an eating lifestyle! Plan your meals during weekends. If possible, cook on weekends and freeze portions so that they can easily be thawed and reheated during the week


