Debunked misconceptions on osteoporosis


DESCRIPTION There are a number of commonly held misconceptions that men and women have about osteoporosis that are contrary to medical knowledge, experts say. These myths are traditionally held by people based on popular culture passed down from person to person and in many cases from generation to generation. These myths fly in the face of conventional knowledge regarding osteoporosis and drugs used to treat this condition such as recent a study linking Fosamax to causing retinal problems. Read more here:

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Debunked Misconceptions on


There are a number of commonly held

misconceptions that men and women have

about osteoporosis that are contrary to

medical knowledge, experts say. These

myths are traditionally held by people based

on popular culture passed down from

person to person and in many cases from

generation to generation. These myths fly in

the face of conventional knowledge

regarding osteoporosis and drugs used to

treat this condition such as recent a

study linking Fosamax to causing retinal



Myth 1: Osteoporosis only affects the

elderly and is a natural part of ageing.

Normally, osteoporosis is a condition that

affects the elderly as a natural part of

ageing, but it has also been known to

affect younger persons. Factors relating

to metabolic disorders, nutritional

deficiencies, hormonal changes and

physical activity can affect bone mineral

density in people of all ages.

Myth 2: Osteoporosis only affects women.

Women are more commonly affected by

osteoporosis but recent studies have

shown that 20 percent of cases affect men

as well.

Myth 3: It’s determined by genetics. While recent study does

suggest that genetics influences osteoporosis, the most

influential factors that determine this condition are often tied to

physical activity and nutritional intake from an early age.

Myth 4: Osteoporosis can’t be treated. While there is no cure for

osteoporosis, there are treatment options available that may

minimize and manage this condition. Treatment depends the age

of the patient and the underlying condition.

Myth 5: If I have osteoporosis, I can feel weakness in my bones.

Sensations of weakness are not associated with osteoporosis.

Myth 6: Calcium is all you need. It has

been proven that calcium alone will not

prevent nor be sufficient enough to treat

osteoporosis. Healthy bones depend on a

number of factors to build it such as

physical activity, vitamin D, and other

nutritional factors that doesn’t depend

on calcium alone.

Myth 7: Only Asians and Caucasians get

osteoporosis. Vitamin D is an essential

component in bone health that affects

risks for osteoporosis and populations

with lower exposure to sunlight have also

shown to be at greater risk for this


If you would like to learn more about

osteoporosis and Fosamax treatment, there

are online resources available for readers.

If you have suffered injury from taking

Fosamax and would like to learn more

about filing a

Fosamax class action lawsuit, you can

read more in online legal blogs.

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