CPSO letters Aug Sept 2016


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Hundreds of millions of articles in the medical literature respiratory emergency, rescue breathing essential, patients life depends on this ASAP. Chest compressions only or full CPR is contraindicated.

Public Health's training literature found in the following. My letter Emergency Medicine News Dec. 2015 p.31

Dr. Aaron Orkin et al. 'Development and implementation of an opioid overdose prevention and response program in Toronto, Ontario.' http://journal.cpha.ca/index.php/cjph/article/view/3788

My response above article

Rescue breathing any respiratory emergency Signs of OD and proper treatment

234 Doctors other health care providers and myself, signed a letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne and Dr. Eric Hoskins (Minister of Health) April 26, 2016.Problem is these sociopath politicians seem to be the source of this malfeasance. See response from the Premier above link.

Instructions Naloxone found hereOntario College of Pharmacists & Ontario Pharmacists Association June 2016

Correspondence from Public Health etc.

One of my articles the 2015 ILCOR & AHA guidelines BLS891

Majority of harm is happening to non drug overdoses and no one says a word??

“You would think it brutal to withhold from the less capable [anyone] the air they need. The moment you begin discriminating against the less capable, you establish conditions that breed dissatisfaction and resentment: you invite envy, discord and strife.” Alexander Berkman “Life of an Anarchist” p.282

Stop feeding your women and children to a monster as it eats your very souls. Monster is just a bully full of hot air who lives in fear of wisdom.
