Course plan


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What we are going to discuss??

Developing a course rationale

Preparing the scope and sequence plan

Planning the course content

Sequencing course content

Choosing course content

Describing entry and exit levels

The course rationale

There are some questions should be answered to seek course rationale:

Who is this course for?

What is the course about?

What kind of teaching and learning will take place in the course?

Course Rationale questions

Describing the beliefs, values and goals that underlie the course.

The purpose of developing rationale :

Guiding planning of the various component s of the course

Emphasizing the kinds of teaching and learning the course should


Providing a check on the consistency of the various components in terms

of the course values and goals.

Example of a course rationale

This course is designed for working adults who wish to improve their communication skills in English in order to

improve their employment prospects . It teaches the basic communication skills needed to communicate in a variety

of different work settings. The course seeks to enable participants to recognize their strengths and needs in

language learning them the confidence give them confidence to use English more effectively to achieve their own goals. It also seeks to develop the participants' skills

in independent learning outside of the classroom.

Course Planners should consider some aspects such as :

Goal of the course The kind of teaching and learning they

want the course to exemplify The role of teachers and learners in

the course Beliefs and principles the course will


Describing the entry and exit level

• Knowing students’ level is necessary before designing course. For instance elementary, intermediate and advanced level and etc.

• We also can determine the level of students’ language skills from special tests such as TOEFL or IELTS.

• By knowing students’ proficiency and language skills, of course it will be one of way to design certain programs and objective based on the student’s level.

Choosing course content • Course Content has to be appropriate with a set of

needs and to cover set of objectives. • Planners need to decide appropriate course contents

to reflect about some aspects such as the nature of language, language use, language learning and etc.

• For instance: in writing course content, planners perhaps can plan some contents such as : grammar, functions. Topics, skills and etc.

• Besides choosing course content, planners also need to choose particular approach to the content selection based on subject matter knowledge, learner’s proficiency level and etc.

Choosing Course Content

• Additional Ideas/Sources of Content Selection from:– Available literature on the topic – Published material on the topic– Review of similar course– Review test/exam in the area– Analysis of students’ problems– Consultation with teachers and specialists

Steps in designing integrated course design

Determining the Scope and Sequence

Scope Sequence

Purpose of the scope and sequence

To serve as a guideline for teachers who want to

integrate learning strategies instruction into their language and content


Criteria of sequencing:Simple to complex



Prerequisite learning

Whole to part or part to whole

Spiral sequencing


• Nursing Education, BT Basavanthappa, 2003 Jaypee Brothers

• Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Nursing, Sarah B. Keating. Third Edition
