Couples: Sexy vs. Raunchy



A study on what makes a boy/girl interaction in a photo sexy versus raunchy.

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GIRLAPPROVEDthe visual language of sexuality

sexy vs. raunchy

We’ve been trying to explore the differences between sexy photos and raunchy photos when it comes to boy/girl interactions.

There is a certain point when a couple should be in front of the camera and when a couple needs to be in a private bedroom. Too much touching and affection should be kept personal between two individuals. The moment we TRY to be “sexy,” is the moment we stop being sexy.

Here, I brought the camera into the bedroom, and looked into this topic with my boyfriend.

what makes photos with my boyfriend sexy?what makes photos with my boyfriend raunchy?

the exploration of self

the exploration of self

what makes photos with my boyfriend sexy?

comfortable and relaxed•sweetness and innocence•believable•subtle acts of affection•natural•softness•genuine•clothing and style•unique and interesting couple•smiling and laughter•no one else in the photo•focus on the couple’s relationship•intimate setting•real people•real stories•

the exploration of self

what makes photos with my boyfriend raunchy?

kissing/tongue•little clothing•body language/ weird positions•focus on the body•fake•too serious•posing/ flaunting•aggressive•touching•lust•too physical•pornographic•not believable•model-like attitude•

There is a huge difference between love and lust.

Too much exposure is too much information. I don’t want to see a couple all over each other... it’s as simple as that. When the focus is on their bodies, the couple becomes faceless... they’re lacking life. It’s fake and unbelievable. Touching, posing, and flaunting becomes phony.

Seeing myself in these kinds of photos even made me feel shocked and appalled. But I realized that I see these type of photos in advertisements all the time.

When the couple in the photo is real, and when they have a believable story, the photo comes off as sexy. The couple needs to be themselves, whether it be nerdy or goofy. When it’s soft and sweet, with subtle acts of affection, it’s more convincing.

Don’t pretend to be something you’re not. Sexy couple photos are honest, real, and true.