Clotting cascade teaching session


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Mark G. HopewellAdult Branch ~ 3rd Year Undergraduate Student Nurse

The Clotting Cascade System

~ Clinical Teaching Session

Common Blood Disorders

Platelet aggregation:

Platelets change shape and form at the damaged site to form a haemostatic plug to prevent bleeding from the site.

A Complex Concept: The Clotting Cascade Process

A Less Complex Representation of

the Clotting Cascade System

External: Cuts to Finger

Internal: Vessel Damage

Types of Wound and Blood Vessel Damage

The 4 Stages of Haemostasis:

1: Vascular Constriction

2: Aggregation (Platelet formation

3: Coagulation (clotting of Fibrin)

4: Dissolution: Clot removal

The Convergence of the Intrinsic & Extrinsic Pathways

at Factor X

A Protein Made

up from Amino Acids


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