Celiac, lactose intolerance, peanut allergy



Celiac, Lactose Intolerance, Peanut allergy

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Celiac, Lactose

Intolerance, Peanut allergy

By: Jae Won, Chloe, Natalie, Stuart, Jae Ho

Celiac disease

What is it? Causes, incident and risk factors Symptoms Signs and test Treatment

What is celiac?

•Does it damage any organs in your body?

•If you don’t have this organs how will it affect you?

Reactions after consuming in gluten

Nutrients doesn’t get absorbed while digesting

Food to avoid

Causes, incident and risk factors and symptoms:


•How can people be cured from celiac disease

•What are the most harmful products that contains a lot of gluten?

Lactose Intolerance

What is it? Causes, incident and risk factors Symptoms Signs and test Treatment

What is Lactose Intolerance?

Inability to digest lactose

3 different types

Cow milk allergy?

What causes lactose intolerance?

Deficiency of the enzyme lactase


30 minutes – 2 hours Abdominal pain/bloating Gas Diarrhea Nausea


Avoid milk products

Some people are also intolerant of other sugars


Peanut Allergy

What is it? Causes, incident and risk factors Symptoms Signs and test Treatment

What is it?

A allergy that is common

Children in danger

Causes, incident, risk factors and symptoms

What can it do to you?

Treatment; ‘Video clip’:


•Epipen•Peanut protein


www.peanutallergy.com www.youtube.com www.google.com www.wikipedia.com Exploring science Darren's science cookbook Lactose Intolerance The school nurse

Thank you for listening

Jae Ho, Chloe, Natalie – Factsheet Stuart – Video Jae – Presentation All of us - Script
