Case Presentation in Nutrition and Diet Theraphy


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  • 1.Nutrition and Diet Therapy Case Study

2. Kadimis a 29 year old African American stock exchange manager for a large corporation. He has been feeling tightening in his chest for 3 days and now has shortness of breath and pain radiating down his left arm. Kadim thinks he is having heart attack. He was taken to the emergency and is admitted in the cardiac intensive care unit. He is placed on a cardiac monitor and is given nasal oxygen. The admitting nurse finds out that there is a history of heart attacks in young males in Kadims family.
3. His blood pressure is 210/110. His blood work shows cholesterol of 320, elevated triglycerides, and markedly elevated LDL. As his team of physicians and nurses get Kadim stabilized, the dietician places him on a low-cholesterol, low-fat, and low-sodium diet. The doctor suggests that Kadim participate in a candidate for heart attack but decides to play the odds, hoping they would be in his favor. After all, he did eat well and exercised regularly before he started with his firm.
4. Assessment
5. 1.What subjective data do you have about Kadim and his health?

  • Kadim is feeling tightening in his chest for 3 days

6. Now has shortness of breath 7. Pain radiating down his left arm 8. Kadim thinks he is having heart attack 9. History of heart attacks in young males in Kadims family