Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (brsv)


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Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV).

Mirjam Laht

Introduction Problematic vaccination Procedures Diagnosis Treatment


Conclusions References


Formates syncytial cells Related to human BRSV High morbility rate (0-20) Many research about the effects of vaccination

Transmission via respiratory aerosols or direct contact

What BRSV is ?

Vaccine Lack of efficiency Apparent disease enhancementResearch Conducting Experimental challenge does not, unlike natural infection, result in respiratory tract disease

Problematic vaccination

Labile virus → isolation is rarely successful from the tissue of a post-mortem animal.

tracheal wash or lung lavage


↓ Infecting

↓Searching clinical signs

→ cough, fever, depression, decreased feed intake, increased respiratory rate, nasal and

ocular discharge (subcutaneous emphysema)↓


↓Killing calves

↓IFA, lungs examining and histochemical

research, sometimes also virus neutralising tests, enzyme

immunoassays (antigen, antibody detection), nucleid acid detection tests

and histopathology

 Gross necropsy lesions: severe pulmonary edema interstitial emphysema

nasal swabs 3 samples of recently infected animals Reliable proof of virus can only be

provided in a period of 6 days after infection



3 ways1)Supportive therapy• removing infected animals from the

group2) Antimicrobials 3)anti-inflammatory drugs (non – steroidal ones) → aspirin for food animals


stressed cattle may not respond should be done after the maternal

antibodies have declined using inactivated or modified live vaccine

Short time protection have to revaccinate often

Vaccinating on branding or processing, weaning ,every following year


It is important to remember that: respiratory aerosols or direct contact Researches haven´t shown a

difference between vaccining one , two or three time

Most susceptible are housed calves aged 4 weeks to 4 months


Thank you !
