Ashraf - Second story-board


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Second Storyboard

The protagonists will wake up on top of a roof looking like they had a rough night. The location of the roof top will be unknown to them as they would have got lost. This will be filmed from a long shot to show the location clearly.

When they all get to terms with what has happen they start to panic and ask each other what happened but none of them know. They all check their phones and see plenty of phone calls from their parents as they are late for school. This makes them panic even more. There will be close ups to show the audience the facial expressions of the protagonists so they know how they feel.

The camera will tilt up towards the sky then the title of the film will appear. The title will dissolve into the shot of the sky.

The group of friends will make their war to the streets to try to find their way home. They ask random people for the name of the location they are in and they ask for the easiest way back home. The camera shows that will be used for this scene is medium close ups to show the conversations between the strangers and the protagonists.

There will be a long shot of the protagonists trying to get the bus but getting rejected by the bus drivers as they have lost some of their belongings that included their oyster cards and money.

They decide to go ask the local shop keeper as they thought this was their only hope as they found a receipt in one of the protagonist’s pockets. This gave them hope as this was the last place they can track themselves to. The long shot will the shop and them entering the store but there will be a close up the receipt to show the details to the audience.

They will enter the shop and ask the shop keeper about the details of the night before. The information he tells them will shock them as they sounded out of control. The shop keeper will be a bit intimidated by their presence due to the troubles they caused him last night. He will eventually give them something that sorts out their problems which is their oyster cards.

They will be on their way to the bus stop when they think about what they should tell their parents who are worried sick about their ware bouts. They are all scared for the consequences that they will receive. There will be a mid-shot of the conservation they have as a group.

They eventually make it back to their home town where they all leave their own ways to go home and meet their parents who are worried sick.