5 Great Tips On Exercise


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5 Great Tips On Exercise

Starting up an exercise program is not an easy task. It takes determination and will to stick to the plan to achieve results of health improvement. Clearing up any confusions about exercise is important to improve any kind of workout routines. Myths and misconceptions about exercises often put people off from exercise; the most common of them are as follows:

Tips 1

Common Mistake Failure To Determine Goals

Common Mistake Failure To Determine Goals

Exercising without a clear goal in mind is like shooting an arrow in the dark, blindfolded. Having a clear goal is critical for results because otherwise pretty soon you will be losing track. Track your progress in a journal, it will help you see improvements and will provide the necessary motivation for you.

Tips 2

No Pain, No Gain Common Misconception

No Pain, No Gain Common Misconception

Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is not right. It is best not to ignore this. When you go beyond your body’s limits testing yourself, you will not only encounter physical discomfort but might put your body into permanent damage. It is important to have some base training before getting in the advance training. The base training would develop your body and make it ready for advance training. You need to read your body and understand the signs that your body shows.

Exercise is important, but it is more important to do it correctly so you can gain benefits and avoid injuries. Sometimes your body hurts after exercise. It is normal but it must be done gradually with a good amount of rest to allow proper healing of the muscles and bones. The most common problems that follow when starting exercise, it can cause long lasting pain to muscles, tendons and bones if you continue to put extra strain on them without taking proper rest. Or it may cause permanent damage to these parts and you will not be able to exercise anymore. If you wake up in the morning with severe pain and you can barely make it to work, you are going to be less motivated to exercise at all. Constant pain is sure way to kill your exercise program.

Tips 3

Sacrificing Quality For Quantity Common Mistake

Sacrificing Quality For Quantity Common Mistake

There is a difference between increasing the number of reps and the number of sets. When you are in a position to increase the number of reps of a particular exercise, instead try increasing the number of sets. This is a sure way to increase your strength and endurance. It will also provide your muscles enough rest to relax and will help them build quickly.

Tips 4

Popular Myth, Weight Training Makes Women Bulky

Popular Myth, Weight Training Makes Women Bulky

Every time I hear this, I smile. Weight training for women will strengthen muscles, burn fat and increase metabolism. Female body does not produce enough testosterone to build muscle like male bodies do.

Tips 5

Over Emphasizing Strengths Common Mistake

Over Emphasizing Strengths Common Mistake

Start focusing on points rather than what you are good at. This will balance things in your body. For example if your arms are stronger than your legs, then you need to do leg exercises more to strengthen the muscles.

Exercising is all about doing things the right way and it will show your results. A healthy body will take you a long way so start your routine today without any hesitation.

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