4 Ways Not to Cut Prescription Costs


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4 Ways Not to Cut Prescription Costs

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Exploring a Friend’s Medicine Cabinet

Don’t let curiosity get the best of you. After all, it’s what killed the cat. Exploring your friend’s medicine cabinet can cause

serious health effects. Never try your friend’s medicine!

Insisting on Brand-Name Drugs

It’s common sense, buying brand-name drugs costs more. To save money, buy the generic version of the brand-name. It’s the

same medication for less money.

Assuming Herbal Supplements Are Adequate

Herbal supplements should not be used in place of prescribed medication. On the contrary, use them as additions to your


Purchasing from Shady Online Pharmacies

Never, Never, NEVER purchase medications from shady online pharmacies. Only purchase your

medicine from a trusted pharmacy. An even better idea is to purchase medication with a

discount card such as Wise RX.

Unfortunately, patients do experiment with medication and spend more than

they should on prescriptions.

If you would like to save more on your medication, please visit

