2013 CNS Annual Meeting




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Austin, TexasOct. 30 – Nov. 2, 2013Austin Hilton Hotel

CNS Annual Meeting42Nd ANNuAl

Austin, Texas

CNS Annual Meeting Austin, Texas

CNS Annual Meeting Austin, Texas

CNS Annual Meeting42Nd ANNuAl

Learning Objectives of 2013 CNS Scientific Program

The CNS Scientific Program is designed by and is primarily intended for child neurologists and professionals in other fields of study related to neurologic and developmental disorders in children and adolescents. “As a result of attending this meeting the physician will be better able to care for children with neurological disease through an understanding of recent advances in neuroscience, neuro-diagnostics and therapeutics relevant to child neurology.”

Oct. 30 – Nov. 2, 2013Austin Hilton Hotel

Austin, Texas

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essentials Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of Nationwide Children’s Hospital and the Child Neurology Society. The Nationwide Children’s Hospital is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The Nationwide Children’s Hospital designates this live activity for a maximum of 26.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance

Wednesday, October 30

SESSIONS highlighted in RED are designated for CME credit

7:30 AM – 5:00 PMSymPOSium i: NeurObiOLOgy Of DiSeaSe iN ChiLDreN: mitOChONDriaL DiSeaSe

Organizer: Bernard Maria, MD, MBA Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA

Supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH grant 5R13NS040925-09), the Child Neurology Society and the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation

7:30 AM – 7:40 AMOPeNiNg COmmeNtS

Bernard L. Maria, MD, MBA Principal Investigator

Story Landis, PhD Director of NINDS, Bethesda, MD

7:40 AM – 9:55 AMSeSSiON i: CLiNiCaL aSPeCtS

Co-Director and Moderator: Bruce Cohen, MDAkron Children’s Hospital, Akron, OH

7:40 AM – 8:05 AMNatural histories and Classification of mitochondrial Disease

Eric Schon, PhD Columbia University, New York, NY

8:05 AM – 8:30 AMDiagnosis and treatment of mitochondrial Diseases

Bruce Cohen, MD

8:30 AM – 8:55 AMmitochondrial DNa Disorders

Patrick Chinnery, PhD/MRCPath/MRCPNew Castle upon Tyne, UK

8:55 AM – 9:20 AMPOLg: Primary and Secondary Disorders

Robert K. Naviaux, MD, PhDUniversity of California, San DIego

9:20 AM – 9:40 AMQuestion and answer Session

9:40 AM – 9:55 AMCoffee break

9:55 AM – 11:30 AM SeSSiON ii: mOLeCuLar meChaNiSmS

Co-Director and Moderator: William Copeland, PhDNIEHS, Research Triangle Park, NC

9:55 AM – 10:20 AMDefects of mitochondrial DNa replication

William Copeland, PhD

10:20 AM – 10:45 AMmitochondrial Dynamics and mitochondrial Disease

Richard Youle, PhDNINDS, Bethesda, MD

10:45 AM – 11:10 AMSystems biology approach to mitochondrial Disease

Vamsi Mootha, MD Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

11:10 AM – 11:30 AMQuestion and answer Session

11:30 AM – 1:00 PMLunch and Presentation by the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation

1:00 PM – 2:40 PMSeSSiON iii: traNSLatiONaL SCieNCe aND CLiNiCaL frONtierS

Co-Director and Moderator: Greg Enns, PhD Stanford University School of MedicineStanford, CA

1:00 PM – 1:25 PM gene therapy and enzyme replacement

Michio Hirano, MDColumbia University Medical Center, New York, NY

1:25 PM – 1:50 PMExercise Therapies in Attenuating Mitochondrial Disease

Mark Tarnopolsky, MD, PhD, FRCPCMcMaster University, Hamilton, ON

1:50 PM – 2:15 PMClinical Trials: Edison Pharmaceuticals, EPI-743

Greg Enns, PhD

2:15 PM – 2:40 PMQuestion and Answer Session

2:40 PM – 3:00 PMCoffee Break

3:00 PM – 3:50 PMExECuTIvE SuMMAry of ThE DAyBruce Cohen, MD and William Copeland, PhD


Moderator: Doug Wallace, PhD Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA

Panelists:Salvatore DiMauro, MDColumbia University Medical Center, New York, NY

Amy Goldstein, MDChildren’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

Andrea Gropman, MDChildren’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC

Richard Haas, MDUniversity of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA

Sumit Parikh, MDCleveland Clinic; Cleveland, OH

Russ Saneto, DO, PhDSeattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA

4:25 PM – 4:30 PMClosing Comments and Thanks

Bernard L. Maria, M.D., MBA

8:00 AM – 4:30 PMAssociation of Child Neurology Nurses

(See page 13)

2:00 PM – 5:00 PMProfessors of Child Neurology

6:00 PM – 8:00 PMoPENING rECEPTIoN

Austin Hilton Hotel, 6th Floor Supported by a grant from Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX

8:00 PM– 10:00 PMSIG Meetings

(including Movement Disorders)

Additional Wednesday Meetings/Sessions

Thursday, October 31

7:00 AM – 8:15 AMCONtiNeNtaL breaKfaSt aND SemiNarS

breaKfaSt SemiNar 1: ShiftiNg mODeLS Of heaLth CareDeLivery aND the ChiLD NeurOLOgiSt: the SKy iS faLLiNg

Organizer: Mark Mintz, MDThe Center for Neurological and Neurodevelopmental Health (CNNH) and the Clinical Research Center of New Jersey (CRCNJ) introduction: the Sky is falling; Survival and SustainabilityMark Mintz, MD

Shifts in reimbursements: global Payments, accountable Care Organizations and medical homesBruce Cohen, MDAkron Children’s Hospital, Akron, OH

hospital-employed Physicians: impact of Diminishing hospital admissionRam Kairam, MDColumbia University Medical Center,New York, NY

innovative models of Specialty Care DeliveryMark Mintz, MD

breaKfaSt SemiNar 2: tOurette SyNDrOme – NOveL treatmeNtS at the eNDS Of the SPeCtrum

Organizer: Leon Dure, MDUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL

medical and Surgical approaches to tSLeon Dure, MD

examining the Outcomes associated with behavior therapy for tSDouglas Woods, PhDTexas A&M University

Practical application of Cognitive/behavioral therapy for tS: an Ot PerspectiveJan Rowe, DrOTChildren’s Hospital of Alabama, Birmingham, AL

breaKfaSt SemiNar 3: refraCtOry StatuS ePiLePtiCuS: aN uPDate

Organizer: James J. Riviello, Jr., MDNew York University School of Medicine

refractory Status epilepticus: Definition, Stages, etiologies, and therapeutic implications

James J. Riviello, Jr., MD

the Pathophysiology of refractory Status epilepticus: how understanding the Pathophysiology impacts treatment

Mohamad Mikati, MD Duke University Medical Center

Standard and alternative treatments for refractory Status epilepticus and the importance of a Specific Protocol.

Nicolas S. Abend, MD University of Pennsylvania.

8:45 AM – 9:00 AM CNS Lifetime achievement awards

Arthur Rose, MDSUNY Downstate, Brooklyn, NY

A. David Rothner, MDCleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH

SESSIONS highlighted in RED are designated for CME credit

9:15 AM – 12:00 PM SymPOSium ii: PreSiDeNtiaL SymPOSium: geNe theraPy fOr ChiLDhOOD NeurOLOgiCaL DiSeaSe

Organizer: Mustafa Sahin, MD, PhDBoston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA

introductionMustafa Sahin, MD, PhD

gene therapy for muscular Dystrophy: moving forward to New LevelsJerry R. Mendell, MDNationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH

treatment of ventilatory failure in Pompe Disease by gene therapy: Next generation therapyBarry Byrne, MD, PhDUniversity of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Developing gene Delivery approaches for Spinal muscular atrophy and translating to the ClinicBrian K. Kaspar, PhDNationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH

Combination therapy for Neurodegenerative Lysosomal Storage DiseasesMark S. Sands, PhDWashington University, St. Louis, MO

11:00 AM – 6:00 PMexhibits

12:00 PM – 12:30 PMCNS business meeting

12:30 PM – 1:30 PMmaintenance of Certification and Lifelong Learning in Child Neurology

Lawrence Faulkner, MD. President American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Lake Forest, IL

12:30 PM – 1:45 PMLunch, exhibit & Poster viewing

1:45 PM – 4:00 PMSymPOSium iii: LittLe braiNS, big PrObLemS: LaStiNg effeCtS Of PeDiatriC traumatiC braiN iNjury

Organizer: Heidi Blume, MD, MPHSeattle Children’s Hospital and Research Institute, Seattle, WA

Who gives a rat’s.....brain? understanding the translational Science of Pediatric tbi

Chris Giza, MDUCLA Brain Injury Research Center, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

Little brains, big Pains: headache after Pediatric Concussion and tbi

Heidi Blume, MD, MPH

Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop: Pediatric Post-traumatic epilepsy

Howard Goodkin, MD, PhDUniversity of Virginia, Charlotesville, VA

trajectories of recovery and Predictors of Neurocognitive Outcome following Pediatric tbi

Talin Babikian, PhD, ABPPDavid Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

4:00 PM – 6:00 PMChiLD NeurO NeWS breaK: POSter WaLKarOuND/WiNe & CheeSe reCePtiON

Supported by Eisai, Inc.

Lawrence Faulkner, MD. President American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology,

Friday, November 1



Organizers: Renée Shellhaas, MD and Sucheta Joshi, MDUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

highlights of the 2010 ILAE Proposed New organization of the EpilepsiesElaine Wirrell, MDMayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

what happens when a Patient Doesn’t fit in one of the New Boxes? Criticisms and Potential Difficulties with the New SystemPeter Camfield, MDDalhousie University, Halifax, NS

how Do I use This in My Practice? what is “Done” and what is up for Discussion? Practical Implementation in Clinical Practice and research ProposalsDennis Dlugos, MD, MSCEChildren’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA


Organizer: Tyler Pierson, MD, PhDCedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA

Next Generation Sequencing and Genomics: A Technological introductionDavid Adams, MD, PhDNIH, Bethesda, MD

Neurogenetics and Genomics: undiagnosed Cases in Pediatric NeurologyTyler Pierson, MD, PhD

Clinical Applications of Exome Sequencing: from the NICu to the Neurogenetics ClinicEric Marsh, MD, PhDPhiladelphia, PA


Organizer: Pedro Weisleder, MD, PhDNationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH

Panel Discussion: Gene Therapy: Proceed with Extreme CautionLeon Epstein, MDAnn & Robert Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Chicago, IL

William Graf, MD, PhDYale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT

Geoffrey Miller, MD, PhDYale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT

Pedro Weisleder, MD, PhD

8:30 AM – 10:15 AMPLATforM SESSIoNS I & II: TBA

10:45 AM – 10:50 AMArnold P. Gold humanism in Medicine Award at the Child Neurology Society Meeting TBA

10:50 AM – 11:00 AMCNS & CNf research Awards


11:00 AM – 11:25 AMPhilip r. Dodge young Investigator Award Lecture

Peter Tzu-Shin Tsai, MD, PhDBoston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA

SESSIONS highlighted in RED are designated for CME credit

11:30 AM – 12:15 PMberNarD SaChS LeCture: ShaPiNg the 4-DimeNSiONaL braiN

Tallie Z. Baram, MD, PhDUniversity of California Irvine, Irvine, CA

9:00 AM – 2:30 PMexhibits

12:45 PM – 2:30 PMLunch & Poster/exhibit Walkaround

2:30 PM – 4:45 PMSymPOSium iv: treatabLe geNetiC-metabOLiC ePiLePSieS

Organizer: Phillip L. Pearl, MD Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC

treatable genetic-metabolic epilepsies: Case StudiesPhillip L. Pearl, MD

Pyridoxine-Dependent epilepsy and related ConditionsSidney M. Gospe, Jr., MD, PhDSeattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA

glucose transporter i Deficiency SyndromeDarryl C. DeVivo, MDColumbia University, New York, NY

New eiee genes and treatment PathwaysAnnapurna Poduri, MDBoston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA

4:45 PM – 6:00 PMjunior member Seminar 1: meet the editors

Organizers: E. Steve Roach, MDAmy Brooks-Kayal, MD, PhDTobias Loddenkemper, MD, PhD

junior member Seminar 2: Private Practice Child Neurology

Organizer: Jasna Kojic, MD

7:00 PM –10:00 PMreCePtiON

Saturday, November 2

SESSIONS highlighted in RED are designated for CME creditSESSIONS highlighted in RED are designated for CME credit

7:00 AM – 8:15 AMCONtiNeNtaL breaKfaSt aND SemiNarS

breaKfaSt SemiNar 7: uPDateS ON iNheriteD NeurOmuSCuLar DiSOrDerS

Organizer: Peter Kang, MDBoston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA

Duchenne muscular Dystrophy: exon Skipping StrategiesEdward M. Kaye, MDSarepta Therapeutics, Cambridge, MA

Spinal muscular atrophy: emerging therapiesBasil T. Darras, MDBoston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA

myotonic Dystrophy: genetic and therapeutic advancesPeter Kang, MD

breaKfaSt SemiNar 8: NeurO-OPhthaLmOLOgy fOr the ChiLD NeurOLOgiSt: PraCtiCaL CLiNiCaL PearLS

Organizer: Steven F. Stasheff, MD, PhDUniversity of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

examining the back of the eye to help Diagnose and treat Pediatric Neurologic DiseaseSteven Stasheff, MD, PhD

updates on the Diagnosis of Papilledema, Pseudopapilledema, and iihRobert Avery, MA, DOChildren’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC

Congenital Ocular motor apraxia and associated Neurodevelopmental abnormalitiesMichael S. Salman, MRCP, PhDUniversity of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB

SESSIONS highlighted in RED are designated for CME credit

breaKfaSt SemiNar 9: tO err iS humaN: reDuCiNg meDiCaL errOrS by better haNDOffS With i-PaSS

Organizer: James F. Bale, Jr., MDPrimary Children’s Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT

Panel Discussion:James F. Bale, Jr., MD

David K. Urion, MDBoston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA

Ann Yeh, MDHospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON

9:00 AM – 9:45 AMhOWer aWarD LeCture: “geNetiC bOttLeNeCKS aND the NeurOLOgiC DiSeaSeS Of the NavajO Native ameriCaNS”

John Bodensteiner, MDMayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

10:00 AM – 12:15 PMSymPOSium v: ParOxySmaL DiSOrDerS

Organizer: Jonathan W. Mink, MD, PhDUniversity of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY mechanistic insights on hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis reveal a New therapeutic StrategyStephen C. Cannon, MD, PhDUniversity of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX

episodic ataxiasAbigail Collins, MDChildren’s Hospital Colorado, Denver, CO

alternating hemiplegia of ChildhoodKathryn Swoboda, MDUniversity School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT

Paroxysmal DyskinesiasJonathan W. Mink, MD, PhD

2013 aCNN Conference ProgramAustin Hilton Hotel

Austin, Texas

October 29 – November 1, 2013

Tuesday October 29, 20137:00 PM – 9:00 PM aCNN Welcome reception (Nurses only)

Wednesday October 30, 20137:00 AM – 8:00 AM registration and Continental breakfast

8:00 AM – 8:15 AM Welcome and introduction

8:15 AM – 9:00 AM janet brucker Keynote address: tba

9:00 AM – 10:00 AMDuchenne muscular Dystrophy: early Diagnosis and CareKathi Kinnet, MSN, CNP

10:00 AM – 10:15 AM break

10:15 AM – 10:45 AMmyasthenia gravis: Omg x 3Jennifer Boyd RN, MHSc, CNN(C)

10:45 AM – 11:30 AMStroke in Children: Now you See it, Now you Don’tIvanna Yau RN, MN, NP-Peds, CNN (C) 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM awards and annual business meeting

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch and Networking Opportunity

1:00 PM – 1:45 PMinnovative Practice award Presentation:Seizure Safety School - Simple but SignificantChelsey Stillman 1:45 PM – 2:45 PMSexual maturation in Special Needs female Populations: a “right” of PassageJane Lane RN, BSN

2:45 PM – 3:00 PM break

3:00 PM – 3:30 PMb6 or Not to b6W. Byron Cook MN, PNP 3:30 PM – 4:00 PMreflex epilepsyMarian J. Kolodgie MSN, CPNP 4:00 PM – 4:15 PM Wrap up

Thursday October 31, 201312:00 PM – 1:00 PM LunchKetogenic Diet therapy Pilot Survey abstractJulie M. Sprague-McRae MS, RN, PPCNP-BC

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM is intranasal or buccal midazolam as effective as rectal Diazepam in thetreatment of active Convulsive Seizures in the Pediatric Setting Outside the hospital?Ann Morgan MS, RN, CPNP, CPN and Vicki Netzke-Doyle MSN, RN, CPN

4:30 PM 5k run/walk fundraiser for aCNN/CNf Nursing research grant

Friday November 1, 2013 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM Lunch-SigTopics to be announced

12:30 PM – 1:00 PMa randomized Controlled trial of the acceptability, feasibility, and Preliminary effects of Cognitive behavioral Skills building intervention in adolescents with Chronic Daily headachesCarolyn Hickman, PhD, RN, CPNP

1:00 PM – 1:30 PMimproving headaches Self-management Skills using medical media in Children and adolescents age 8-18Ruth Rosenblum DNP, RN, PNP-BC

Note: The ACNN conference program is geared for nurses, but all CNS meeting registrants are welcome to attend any of the presentations. Nursing CE contact hours will be provided.

Travel, Lodging, Touring Information

traveL iNfOrmatiONContact Partners in Travel at 612-338-0004 to take advantage of the many ways to save on meeting airfare by booking 60 days in advance (or more). The travel professionals at Partners in Travel will find the very best combination of price and schedule to suit your specific needs.

Partners in Travel, Ltd.12 S. 6th St., Suite 200Minneapolis, MN 55402Tel: 612-338-0004Fax: 612-338-2396E-mail: partnersintravel@tvlleaders.com

hOteL aCCOmmODatiONSOn-line booking for CNS annual meeting now available

The CNS has reserved a block of rooms at the Austin Hilton Hotel. A direct link to group rate reservations is available on the Annual Meeting page of the CNS website.Room Rates: $219 single/double

Rooms fill fast. Book early!

uPDateS & ON-LiNe regiStratiONThe CNS Website will provide links with information regarding weather, tourist attractions, and scientific program updates. Log on at www.childneurologysociety.org to register. Hotel registration must be handled directly with the Austin Hilton Hotel (link provided on the CNS home page).

NOte: the WeDNeSDay NDC (mitochondrial Disease) SymPOSium iS avaiLabLe by aDvaNCe regiStratiON ONLy. NDC registration ends Sept 20 Or SOONer (i.e., when all 375 seats available are taken)

to ensure adequate seating, printed handouts, food and beverage, etc., the following guidelines will apply: No admission or printed syllabi will be available to anyone not registering on or before September 20 for the Wednesday NDC Symposium, Additional $150 course fee is required for this symposium.

SPeCiaL iNtereSt grOuP meetiNgSPlan on attending one or more Special Interest Group Meeting(s). Consult the SIG work area on the CNS website for more information regarding times, dates, room assignments, and agendas.

Registration Form for payment by CHECK only!All credit cArd registrAtion is on-line viA cns Website

ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIREDindicate which sessions you plan to attend._____________________________________

SESSIONS highlighted in REd are designated for CME credit_____________________________________

WednesdAY | october 30 ndc symposium: Mitochondrial disease

($150 course fee and preregistration by Sept 20 required; max 375 registrants)

tHUrsdAY | october 31(breakfast seminars: select one)

Breakfast 1: Health Care Delivery

Breakfast 2: Tourette Syndrome Breakfast 3: Status Epilepticus Symposium 2:

Presidential Symposium Symposium 3: Pediatric TBI Maintenance of Certification for

Child Neurologists (limit 125)

FridAY | noveMber 1(breakfast seminars: select one)

Breakfast 4: New Epilepsy Classifications

Breakfast 5: Neurogenetics Breakfast 6: Ethical

Considerations in Gene Therapy Dodge Young Investigator

Award Lecture Bernard Sachs Lecture Symposium 4: Treatable

Genetic-Metabolic Epilepsies Jr. Member Sem 1: Meet the Editors Jr Member Sem 2: Private Practice

sAtUrdAY | noveMber 2(breakfast seminars: select one)

Breakfast 7: Inherited Neuromuscular Disorders

Breakfast 8: Neuro-ophthalmology Breakfast 9: Better Handoffs

with I-PASS Hower Award Lecture Symposium 5:

Paroxysmal Disorders

Name ________________________________________________________________________

Degree (for nametag: MD, PhD, RN, etc) _____________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________

City___________________________________________ State ______ Zip _________________

Country _______________________________________________________________________

Tel_____________________________________ Fax __________________________________

E-mail (required to process) ______________________________________________________

speciAl reqUestsDo you require special assistance in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act?

Yes No If yes: ___________________________________________________________


Do you have a special dietary need/request? ________________________________________

vegan vegetarian Gluten Free other _________________________________

registrAtion Fee scHedUleRegistration Fee includes admission to all educational functions (one exception—Wednesday NDC Symposium: Additional $150.00 fee), Wednesday opening reception, continental breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunches, Friday reception, CME credit. Fixed fee—no partial/day fees available.

eArlY registrAtionOn or Before Sept. 20

lAte registrAtionSept. 21 – Oct. 28

on-site registrAtionOct. 29 – Nov. 2

Active Member $495.00 $595.00 $645.00

emeritus Member $295.00 $395.00 $445.00

Junior Member (To qualify for Future Researchers and Clinicians Scholarships enter code # sent by CNS National Office to a) Jr Member presenters, and b) Jr Member 3rd Year Residents)

$295.00 $395.00 $445.00

resident/trainee Non-CNS Member (Apply for CNS Jr Membership by September 1 and qualify for $100 savings)

$395.00 $495.00 $545.00

Medical student Contact CNS National Office for FutureResearchers Scholarship code #

$0 $295.00 $445.00

Acnn (nurse) Member $295.00 $395.00 $445.00

nurse (non-Acnn member) $395.00 $495.00 $545.00

non-cns Member $645.00 $745.00 $795.00

guest nametag/reception pass $95.00 Includes Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Evening Receptions (Note: Registrant nametag = 1 pass for Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Receptions. Additional passes for spouse and/or children may be purchased.)

Name ___________________________________________________________

Wednesday ndc symposium $150.00

totAl enclosed ________________________Checks payable in US funds only to Child Neurology Society. All credit card registration is on-line via CNS Website.

registrAtion conFirMAtion • E-mail confirmation only

(include address)• Hotelregistrationandconfirmation

must be handled independently with the meeting hotels.

cAncellAtions And reFUnds • Cancellationsreceivedinwriting

on or before September 20 will receive full refund (less $75.00 administrative fee).

• TheCNSassumessignificantnon-refundable financial/contractual obligations one month prior to meeting, for which reason no refunds of registration fees will be made after September 20.

send to Laura LaflinRegistration Management, Inc. (RMI)6598 Carlisle CurveShakopee, MN 55379T: 952.858.8406

CNS Annual Meeting42Nd ANNuAl

Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual MeetingOct. 30 – Nov. 2, 2013Austin Hilton Hotel


Austin, Texas



Child Neurology Society1000 West Cty Rd. E, Suite 290St. Paul, MN 55126
