08 09 Procedures



Ms. Moline's 4/5 class reviews class procedures and routines.

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The importance of keeping your binder

Clean and organized is so you can locate inf ormation quickly and homework can be turned in on time with quality.


•Quality beets Quantity •Do the best you can do but get your work in on time•Use time Wisely•Be detailed •Be imaginative and think of your own ideas

Bullying is not in any way respectful or fair. It is one-sided, which means one person or group bullies another. Bullying will never EVER be accepted…not at school, home, work, or anywhere else. If you are caught bullying a peer (and let me warn you, you almost always are), you will be in ENORMOUS trouble.

If you still even want to considerbeing a bully, remember:

How would you feel if someone bullied you?

On Task Working hard

Quality work


Not talking

Listening when the teacher is talking

Doing your work

We earn minutes and group points for doing well in class. Minutes are earned individually, but group points are awarded to our color groups. There are about 5 people at each group. When we have the most Group points or minutes, we can get prizes. An example are late passes. They allow us to be late with work without punishment. (one use) One thing they have in common is that the more you have, the better! Pumpkin turns and pumpkin points are also rewards.

Pumpkin Points and Turns This picture shows a person doing a good deed. This will earn a Pumpkin

Turn. Pick a slip of paper and you loose or win points. When someone reaches the designated number there will be a reward. The more Turns you

have the more time you have. The class reward is Fuzzies. When there are 35 Fuzzies in Fuzzyville there is a reward. Last time we made Super balls.

The done shelves is usually where you put your homework after you complete it. There are 12 shelves

and they are usually labeled on what is being collected on that

shelve. If you don’t have the assignment than you have to fill

out a missing work report.

•is all about

• being willing to learn. When you take a risks, you say your guess/estimate to the entire class. You might be wrong, but that’s called ‘learning from your


Be Kind To Ot her s!

You should be kind because true friends are always there. When you have friends, your life can be a lot more pleasant. If you are mean to someone, oopsies!

Be Kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take the laptop out like in the picture to the right.

Don’t use the laptops if you have dirty or unclean hands. It could

damage the laptop. Don’t misuse the laptops. You can

lose privileges. The computer is a resource,

not a toy!

Do as directed and you will be able to do fun and exciting things on the computer!!!

If you take the laptop the Way it shows you in thePicture, It will be in good

Conditions. But if you takeThe laptop the other ways, It

Will be damaged or in very bad Conditions.

Take care of the Laptops!

Equipment managementby Andrew

• Today I will talk about taking care of equipment. I believe the first rule with equipment is using it properly! Which means don’t pretend the equipment are weapons! The second rule is to take good care of equipment. This means to carry equipment safely (do not run). Plus keep it in a safe spot. And finally please, please, please return the equipment.

• P.S. when I say weapons I mean anything lethal!

Procrastinating is a very bad thing to do. In the picture below some students got sent to detention because they didn’t turn in their work on time

By Victoria

In the picture above, a student is getting a big award for turning in his work on time. He gets extra credit points.

Procrastinate: To put off doing something until later
