000eworld no tobacco day


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  • 1. World No Tobacco Day: 31 May 2009 Lt Col Rajesh Deshwal,MD

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. How do cigarettes damage health? 4000 chemical compoundsat least 400 toxic substancestar ,nicotine, carbon monoxide 31. Did you know? On average, each cigarette shortens a smoker's life by around 11 minutes 32. Ninety percent of lung cancer cases are due to smoking 33. One in ten moderate smokers and almost one in five heavy smokers (more than 15 cigarettes a day) will die of lung cancer 34. The more cigarettes you smoke in a day, and the longer you've smoked, the higher your risk of lung cancer The risk rises the deeper you inhale and the earlier in life you started smoking 35. For ex-smokers, it takes approximately 15 years before the risk of lung cancer drops to the same as that of a non-smoker 36. If you smoke, the risk of contracting mouth cancer is four times higher than for a non-smoker 37. 38. bladder cancer cancerof theoesophagus cancer of the kidneys cancer of the pancreas cervical cancer 39. Smoking raises blood pressure, which can cause hypertension ( high blood pressure ) - a risk factor for heart attacks and stroke 40. Couples who smoke are more likely to have fertility problems than couples who are non-smokers 41. Smoking worsens asthma and counteracts asthma medication by worsening the inflammation of the airways that the medicine tries to ease 42. The blood vessels in the eye are sensitive and can be easily damaged by smoke, causing a bloodshot appearance and itchiness 43. Heavy smokers are twice as likely to get macular degeneration, resulting in the gradual loss of eyesight 44. Smokers run an increased risk of cataracts 45. Smokers take 25 per cent more sick days year than non-smokers 46. Smoking stains your teeth and gums. 47. Smoking increases your risk of periodontal disease, which causes swollen gums, bad breath and teeth to fall out 48. Smoking causes an acid taste in the mouth and contributes to the development of ulcers 49. Smoking also affects your looksSmokers have paler skin and more wrinkles This is because smoking reduces the blood supply to the skin and lowers levels of vitamin A 50. Did you know? The British Medical Association estimates that up to 120,000 men have ED because of smoking 51. Babies born to mothers who smokeduring pregnancyare twice as likely to be born prematurely and with a low birth weight 52. Passive smoking Children who grow up in a home where one or both of their parents smoke have twice the risk of getting asthma and asthmatic bronchitis. They also have a higher risk of developing allergies 53. 54. Thinking about quitting? 55. 56. General health improves - tiredness and headaches can be linked to smoking Your sense of taste and smell improve Your heart will be less strained and work more efficiently 57. Did you know? A single cigarette can reduce the blood supply to your skin for over an hour 58. Tobacco facts 59. There are more than one billion smokers in the worldGlobally, use of tobacco products is increasing, although it is decreasing in high-income countriesAlmost half of the world's children breathe air polluted by tobacco smokeThe epidemic is shifting to the developing world 60. Tobacco use kills 5.4 million people a year - an average of one person every six seconds - and accounts for one in 10 adult deaths worldwideTobacco kills up to half of all users It is a risk factor for six of the eight leading causes of deaths in the world 61. 100 million deaths were caused by tobacco in the 20th century. If current trends continue, there will be up to one billion deaths in the 21st centuryUnchecked, tobacco-related deaths will increase to more than eight million a year by 2030, and 80% of those deaths will occur in the developing world 62. Thank You Jee
