Ws bouquet of takeaways - part i ..introducing ws


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Bouquet of Takeaways from WS :

Part ONE

“What’s if a woman joins WS?”

“What if we don’t join WS?

Do we need to commit in terms of time or any other resources?

How would we benefit from WS?

What would it cost us?

Would it be just another social networking opportunity ?

How do we get involved?

How would our involvement help? “

… & perhaps much more …

Some such thoughts may flash across some of your minds..

But, only till you finish reading this

‘Bouquet of takeaways from WS’ ..... Please read on...

Dear Women,

You may wonder...

Please get to know Women’s Synergy..WS’ Vision & Mission:

“To see women, in secure, rightful, self-created positions of pride, within their families, society and the nation at large”

Our Vision

"To establish synergies and symbiotic relationships amongwomen from varied backgrounds that would in turn facilitatetheir individual and collective growth towards the creation of aself-sustained resource pool for themselves and theircircumstantially challenged/less advantaged counterparts.”

Our Mission

As member of WS-SYMNET, she could select multipleoptions for herself!

She could be a Patron, Donor, Member, ProgramParticipant, Volunteer, Well-wisher, Buddy, IndividualResource Person, Institutional Representative on ourResource Roster

Yes, she can choose to be one or more of the above! Wehave had volunteer-turned – ‘TIS’ participants; Participant-turned-Resource Persons, and vice-versa too! That is tosay, one can be a member, well wisher, donor and so on,even simultaneously!

If she joins, she is sure to signal others to join too!

Each unique involvement has its own modalities and comeswith a corresponding set of benefits. Learn more..Get intouch..!

Firstly, you may wonder...“What if a woman joins WS?”

Now, women who do not join; are either unaware of theexistence of WS; or do not feel the need to be part of it! Well,the choice is theirs!

Either way…

The benefits of participation that could accrue to them, are atbay!

What else could we say!

So we expect that our existing members, well wishers and allothers promote us through various channels of promotion likeword-of-mouth; social networking channels and otherinnovative ways.

WS feels indebted to all of them!

Questions… “What if we don’t join WS?”

Respecting every woman’s personal energies, aptitude and time, the WSculture is never to nag women into participation or volunteering. We arehere only to encourage and coax! And so we have models of semi &flexi-time arrangements for their involvement!

So, this would mean our encouraging women to join WS notwithstandingthe huge variance in levels of their personal motivation, available time andnature of interest.

Also, the synergies WS expects to create amongst women is by“the coming together of women from all walks of life with determinedself-initiatives for growth and with a corresponding spirit of giving back tosociety”.

So women who love mingling with their counterparts from varioussocio-economic, religious, economic, educational and other backgrounds,are specially encouraged to lead the rest and set the tone for the symbioticfunctioning of Indian women.

So what are you waiting for?! Do take the lead.. Have you noticed the WSpunch line ... “Where Every Woman Leads..”!?

Questions… “What would her involvement be like?”

In the first place,

It is not a ‘COST‘! It is an ‘INVESTMENT’!!

Yes, an investment in self; in Indian women; extending to their collectiveidentity. “Investment in ‘women’ is not only the smartest thing to do but theonly right thing to do”–and so true in this hour; in the lives of women!

And what to say if women take the lead in such investment for their own cause!

Then, the best part would be :

Synergies flowing and joining from half of our country’s population (yes, as ourwomen do count up to 50% of the population) and from that of stakeholders;concurrently investing in women, from yet another plane serving as a hugeinvestment!

So why not begin – with focus on ‘SELF’ to begin with?!

The way you begin:Your investment begins with an inquiry; an email/call over phone or a knock atthe WS doors! As simple as these few steps to begin with! So be instrumental!How can the WS jigsaw-puzzle be complete without you?!? Come and makeyour presence as the vital piece!

Your membership comes absolutely free as WS is a Trust with a non-profitmission!

Happy to share more… Get in Touch!

Questions… “What would it cost her?”

Do come and experience 1:1 networking /directnetworking which is as effective and even more sothan any other virtual social networking process asthis is more direct and personal. Be the buildingblocks of the envisioned, huge and ever-growingWS network/Participant Alumni.

You could have innovative ways of merging andinterspersing social networking methods to tapand gain the advantage of technology as well…Get to know more and more..…Contact Us!

Questions…“Is it just another social networking opportunity for her?”

You could get involved in umpteen ways ascategorized above … and more, based on yourown ideas flowing once you let your creativejuices to flow!! Well, we will come back to youshortly on this…

Questions… How could she get involved?*

You as a woman, are a born leader! You notonly have the capability to nurture and takecare of yourself, but you have it in you to takecare of a lot of your counterparts, near & dear& far-flung ones too !

You do not have to ‘work hard’ though… Justwork ‘smart’ by connecting with us..!

WS will hand hold and lead you, once youhave set your vision and goals!

Questions… “How would her involvement help?”

For this, We lead you to our next slide


*Now, coming back with a sharp memory to your Q: “How could she get involved ?”

1. Ever-growing ‘WS-SYMNET’ (Symbiotic Network of Women)

2. Synergies/Connectivity/Self-Development Groups/Caring & Sharing

3. Mentoring; Participation Opportunities; Exposure to Role-models

4. Institutional & other referrals and access to individual Resource persons

5. Access to free (WS)/Paid or subsidized workshops of other institutions, career and advertisement opportunities through WS

6. Enhanced Self-esteem levels; Opportunity to be part of our Resource Pool

7. Promoting & pampering Art & Creativity’

8. Zoomed-in-Visibility through our communication channels

9. Marketing Channels for sale & exhibition of handicrafts/paintings/other produce &...

Much more; the platform is growing & along with it, this bouquet too..

Come, Connect, Explore…!

Come help create Indian women’s identities, help unify them in thought word and deed & gather a collective vision & voice for yourselves.

Realize the women power by being part of it. Every drop builds the ocean!

WS’ Bouquet of TAKEAWAYS…

WS would now like to present you with our question!!

“Why, How & When would you like to get involved?”

Looking forward to your answer at the EARLIEST!!

Appreciatively Yours, Team WS…


Goodbye for now & Thank you!!

See you in our ‘Bouquet of Takeaways’ for you; Part TWO!!

From all of us at Team Women’s Synergy81 Anupam Apartments, B-13, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi 110 096;; 9711073161