What is LocalGovDigital? | June 2014



Presentation on what LocalGovDigital isand what the organisation offers. Presented at the Local Discovery Day on 13 June 2014 by the Department for Communities and Local Government in partnership with GDS.

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What is



A network of digital practitioners

Employed by local governments

Working in councils

Accountable to local politicians and people

A network of digital practitioners

Steering GroupBirmingham City Council

Bristol City Council

Cornwall Council

Devon County Council

Kirklees Council

Lambeth Borough Council

North Yorkshire County Council

Nottinghamshire County Council

Surrey County Council

Swansea City & County Council

Warwickshire County Council

West Berkshire Council

A network of digital practitioners


Carl Haggerty

Leadership Excellence winner at the Guardian Public Services Awards 2013

A network of digital practitioners

Fostering the new models of local democracy made possible by digital

Discovering examples of digital democracy in the UK and beyond

Sharing examples of digital democracy across networks for learning and inspiration

Prototyping new ways of doing local democracy digitally

Collaborating and innovating across and outside the sector


Digital practitioners who design or develop content or services for local government.



Technical ideas and innovation through professional networking, using sites such as the Knowledge Hub, Google+ and Twitter.

Design and development code through the use of online tools, such as GitHub, with the consent of their employer where appropriate.

Promote and where appropriate write best practice for local government.


Where common aims across organisations exist, on the creation of digital services.

Peer review other’s work, if requested to, offering constructive criticism.

Define and use common standards for APIs and data formats.

Attend and organise meetings, unconferences and hack days, where and when convenient.


Hack Day: 20 June in Birmingham

A fringe event of LocalGovCamp

Crosses over with the Local Leaders fringe event

The free unconference for local government, by local government

Started in 2009

Run for the first time this year by LocalGov Digital

Start talking: Tweeting, blogging, posting on Google+

Start sharing: Share what you’ve done, online. Ask for feedback.

Start collaborating : Work with others to produce better, more efficient outputs


