UNDP_Energy Efficiency Project 2006 - 2013


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“Energy Efficiency Project”2006 – 2013


Energy savings through Systematic Energy Management in Croatia!

Process:Methodology of Systematic Energy Management - SEM

ISO 50001 (2011) Definition:Energy management system (EnMS)Is a set of interrelated or interacting elements to establish energy policy and energy objectives, and processes and procedures to achieve those objectives

Energy efficiency office


Target setting

Energy audit

Energy management

Building condition

Savings potential

Proposed improvements

City energy management programme

Simple measures for increasing

energy efficiencyExtensive measures for

increasing energy efficiency

Large deviations from targets Data analysis

Small deviations

from targets

Implementing energy efficiency projects

Decision to implement

Improvement plan

Support from city officials

Local energy managerEnergy management



Reporting(Council, building



Energy efficiency corner

Energy efficiency info center

Establish the process of continuous improvement of energy efficiency and sustainable management of energy resources through systematic monitoring and analysis of energy consumption data (monthly, weekly, daily), with the goal to know:

WHERE is energy consumed (office buildings, hospitals, schools, courts, universities…)

HOW do we consume energy (HVAC systems, domestic hot water, lighting, …)

WHICH energy sources do we consume (gas, fuel oil, wood, heat, electricity, water)

HOW MUCH energy is consumed and what are the costs

WHO is responsible for energy management

WHAT we can do to increase energy efficiency

On the local, regional and national level:





Key components

Capacity development(trained and motivated personnel)

Organisational structure(defined responsibilities and goals)

Implementation(measurement and verification of


Result Energy efficiency improvement

Knowledge and education is KEY of success!

Goal:Establishment of organisational structure that will enable effective EE

policy implementation and verification of results!

• Energy efficiency (EE) part of legislative only in words

• Lack of awareness, capacity and knowledge, (especially in public sector) to identify, prepare and implement EE projects

• Lack of clear organisational structure and infrastructure to develop and implement EE projects and manage energy

• General attitude in public sector that: „Energy expenses are fixed costs, cannot be influenced and are paid by „someone else”.”


Steps on the road to success!1. Targeted informational educational campaign to increase awareness,

knowledge and motivation regarding EE and EM.2. Technical assistance in policy development and changes to strengthen and

clarify the position of EE (including strategic documents, action plans, laws, sub laws, technical regulations etc.)

3. Project implementation plan – Framework of Methodology of Systematic energy management (SEM) in public sector

4. Pilot project to test and prove implementation plan and methodology5. Motivation of public sector to introduce EM and become a leader in EE

and EM – Energy charter accepted and signed6. Scale up on national level including continuous improvement of SEM

methodology, continuous technical assistance, education and actual implementation of activities.

GOAL: Development of needed knowledge, practical experience and leadership in all level of structures to make the system sustainable.

• Energy Efficiency master plan 2008-2016

• Energy strategy

• First National Energy Efficiency action plan (2008-2010)

• Second National Energy Efficiency action plan (up to 2013)

• Law on Efficient end use of Energy

• Several others sub laws and technical documents

Technical assistance to Ministry of Economy in development of existing and new strategic documents and legal framework

Policy development and changes

Energy Charter Signed by all

Cities (127) and all Counties (20)

In Croatia


Building stock register

Energy Management Information system - EMIS

EE team – EE office

EE info center

SEM at City/County level

SEM at national level

SEM at individual building level

National scale up

Cities Counties Total

Letter of intent 102(127)



EE office 85 16 101

EE policy 87 14 101

EE team 359 43 402

Independent EE Office 5 3 8

Implementation Cities and counties

Activities Systematic Energy Management

Letter of intentAll 20 Ministries (more than 125 institutions)15 Other national institutions

Building register More than 3750 buildings

Education More than 14000 persons

Implementation National institutions

TOOL:Energy Management Information System - EMIS

Easy access from any computer with Internet connection.

Web based application – main tool for continuous gathering of energy usage data in buildings

Enables easy analysis and interpretation of energy and water usage data on local, regional or national level from one central place.

June 2015.: More than 10.000 out of 11.000 (estimated) public sector buildings(in total more than 13.100 Energy Performance Centers)

In total more than 1.350 active users

EMIS Results: Objects and users

Energy Carrier Year Calculated quantity [m³] Number of locked bills Quantity [m³] / Number of bills

Water 2007 7443351,919 30463 244,341Water 2008 8588021,257 34961 245,646Water 2009 8772991,439 35594 246,474Water 2010 8755596,769 38348 228,320Water 2011 8385436,342 41754 200,830Water 2012 5637104,380 34041 165,597

Energy Carrier Year Calculated quantity [m³] Number of locked bills Quantity [m³] / Number of bills

Električna energija 2007 286739368,645 42170 6799,606Električna energija 2008 382219074,600 51544 7415,394Električna energija 2009 403819055,630 69738 5790,517Električna energija 2010 429613646,351 93957 4572,450Električna energija 2011 398470429,940 97285 4095,908Električna energija 2012 309890233,240 75157 4123,238


EMIS change of trends

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 20120.000







Water [m3] / number of bills

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 20120.000









Electricity [kWh] / number of bills

Capacity:Development of human resources (knowledge and experience)

needed for SEM and implementation of EE improvement projects

Process:Established operational organisational structure for SEM on

national, regional and local level

Tool: Developed and established national Energy Management

informational system – EMIS

Result:Established base for continuous and systematic energy

management in Croatia

Key project achievements

Project resources:

Experts: At the project peek (2011) more than 200 experts (53

full time employees and 167 part time (on call basis))Financing…

Total budget for 8 years of project implementation (2006. to 2013.) more than 121 million kuna (≈16 million EUR)

Knowledge, Procedures, Organizational structure… All procedures and activities were developed as a part

of project and can be applied in other countries if adjusted to local conditions

Estimated achieved cumulative savings until 2013 are around 20 million EUR

Human resources 2006. – 2013.

• Central office: Zagreb

• Regional offices:o Osijeko Rijekao Zadaro Split 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


5 6 16 29 37 53 49 40


9 34 65 74 116 167 123 115






Full time employed

Part time employed

Project budget 2006. - 2013.

Donor Amount (kn)GEF 24.584.000

Croatian fund for energy efficiency 86.834.000

Ministry of economy 2.560.500Ministry of construction 125.000

International organizations(GIZ, UNESCO, OICE, ICE) 565.600

Private sector (RH) 1.092.000Cities and counties (RH) 1.245.400

UNDP 4.284.000TOTAL 121.290.500

≈16 million EUR

Estimated savings for all objects in EMIS (absolute values)

Year Energy usage (kWh) Savings (EUR) Emissions CO2 (t)

2011 69.558.000 4.300.000 17.8262012 69.437.000 4.840.000 19.126

Estimatipon with HDD correction (w/o correction of electical energy)2011 106.368.000 6.260.000 26.4932012 141.830.000 8.700.000 19.079 6,40%

Model:• 1540 analysed objects, cca. 1.6 million m²;• „Locked” bills for 5 years (2008.-2012.)• Baseline year 2010.g., savings in 2011.g. i 2012.g.• Energy usage normalizes according to heat degree days – HDD• Calculated savings 49.420.000 kWh; more than 2.6 million EUR

Model extrapolated on all objects in EMIS (cca. 8.2 mil. m²)

Analysis of achieved savings

• Total estimated saving from 2010. till end of 2012. is cca. 15 million EUR – cca. 6,40% yearly

• Assuming same trends as in 2012., saving until September 2013. is cca. 20 million EUR

• Savings are achieved with very little implemented projects of complete building reconstruction!

• Potential of savings after project implementation is huge, up to 30 – 50%!

• To tackle this potential, ministries are starting national investments programmes for buildings retrofits.

Analysis of achieved savings

Conclusion:National institutions must be actively engaged

Project implementation unit has to be motivated and proactive despite slow reactions of national counterparts, and has to apply adaptive management in order to efficiently reply to changes in project environment

National co financing is important as it raises the engagement of national institutions

Engagement of local experts is necessary – local knowledge and easier acceptance by national counterparts

Change of mentality requires long lasting projects with a firm grip on activities and constant direction throughout the duration

Open book principle and willingness to allow the national counterparts to take part of the credits.

Energy import and costs

GDP u CRO 2011. 334 billion kuna(44 billion €)

Total energy consumption in CRO 2011.* 384 petajoula (PJ)

out of which from import** 74%

Energy expenses in Croatia 2009. 50 billion kuna(6,5 billion €)

15% BDP

What are the potentials?

Data source: Publication: Energy in Croatia 2011, EIHP. 2012* - eng. Total Primary Energy Supply – Cro. Ukupna potrošnja energije prije transformacija** - Energy import (Cro. Količina uvezene energije) u 2011. is 283 PJ. Energy export (Cro. Količina izvezene energije) u 2011 is 88 PJ. Difference 195 PJ Assumption is that all imported energy is used in Croatia, in that case import share is 74%. if we deduce exported energy that import share is 51%

Energy expenses in Croatia 15% BDP

Energy expenses in Croatia 2009. 50 billion kuna(6,5 billion €)

Out of which in cities 50%

Or 25 billion kuna(3,25 billion €)

Savings potential 30%

or 7,5 billion kuna(1 billion €)

= 2,25% BDP

Savings potential


E-mail: goran.cacic@undp.org

Thank you!
