Me > We: Engage Your Community (Indiana District 2 Conference Keynote)


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Making it happen!

What am I even talking about?

Why engage your community?

What do you want to achieve?

Civic or community engagement?

Where is this info coming from?

Baseline of community support

What doesn’t matter when it comes to supporters

What does matter?

You are a candidate and community organizer

Getting Political

How do you start?

It starts with your message

How should a “message”


What should a message do?

Practice your message

Get your message out there

Reintroduce your Library

Telling your library’s story.

Build your resource list


Get organized (form a cohort)

Community events

Get cozy with politicians

…And the business community

Library as incubator/beta test site

Networking and Schmoozing

All you need?

Advocacy Opportunities

Most importantly, what do they want?

Bonus Slide – Haycock Rule

Any Questions?
