Masterclass Verkenning Data Lab, 8 februari 2017


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Organisatieverandering en strategische samenwerking Prof. Dr. Geert Duysters

Today’s memory stick has more computing power than the Apollo Moon Capsule

Vermeulen on Newspapers 1712

Reasons for organizational inertia

�  Resistance to Change

�  Threat rigidity

�  Routinization

�  Sunk costs

�  Path dependency

�  Cannibalization

Guy Kawasaki (2006 Blog) Kill the milk cow! If you don’t, two people in a garage will do

Can Big Organizations Survive?

To survive, big Organizations today are all deconstructing themselves and creating new structures, many as autonomous units

John Naisbitt, 1994

The ideal corporation therefore is able to combine the scale and pure power of a large organization with the creativity, flexibility and resilience of a small organization.