INDIA: An 8-point agenda for Growth



A much-followed new-generation business leader recently rhetorically asked in a social media post that, if we have an economy swinging towards services with a large chunk of it being technology, “Why do we need government?” This is an attempt at answering that question.

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The Business of Government

An 8-point Agenda for Growth

Devangshu Dutta 17 May 2014


Diversity Needs One Narrative

• Indian elections 2014 – opinions may be fractured, but the Parliamentary mandate is clear

• Many problems to be tackled at the macro and the micro-level

• Single narrative to pull the diverse, divided strands of opinion together: deliver truly inclusive growth


India’s Citizens

• Creative and entrepreneurial

• Hungry for growth

• Respectful of heritage, but also devastated by the decline that has come about over decades, centuries

• Determined to change

• Need the government to shoulder its responsibilities


8-Point Agenda for India’s Government to Deliver On

• Healthcare

• Power

• Clean Water

• Transportation infrastructure

• Education

• Environment

• Competition

• Accountability



• India’s average life-expectancy = 65.5 years; China & Brazil close to 73.5 years

• Hospital beds <1 per 1,000 people

• Government healthcare infrastructure underinvested, underutilised

• Privatisation is not a panacea: most private hospitals not delivering widespread, affordable care but focussed on profit maximisation



• Per capita consumption: India = 1/3 China, 1/10 USA

• Improved power availability has unimaginable impact on lifestyle, livelihood and overall quality of life

o Households

o Schools

o Small businesses

• Need improved penetration through off-grid solutions, and a mix of energy sources

oHealthcare facilities



Clean Water

• One train wreck daily, fatalities 100%: would that get our attention?

>The equivalent, 1600 people estimated to die daily due to diarrhoea, which is completely avoidable

• Unsafe water estimated to spread 21% of communicable disease, not only in far flung villages, but in some of the biggest cities as well

• Management gap, not technological


Transportation infrastructure

• Poor transportation cuts people off from opportunities, and force migration to already overloaded cities

• One of the largest rail networks, but low density (20 km / ‘000 km2), compared to Germany ( 115 km / ‘000 km2, UK: 65, France: 53)

• Roads still behind in length and quality needed

• Where people and goods can move quickly and freely, both trade and culture flourish, and build the strongest ties that bind people together.



• Educational capacity has predominantly grown in private hands, where affordability is not the prime driver

• Enough examples within government schools and colleges, where individual intent and organisational systems produces excellence

• Without adequate focus on education, the massive young population would be a ticking time-bomb of under-skilled frustrated underachievers



• Climate change and clashes over natural resources among the highest conflict risks

• “The commons” belong to the people, together; measuring “growth” only by activities that deplete common resources is short-termism and selfishness of the worst sort

• Millions born and die with chronic diseases related to deteriorating air, depleted water, polluted soil and disappearing vegetation



• Competition brings fragmentation, but it is also an essential source of innovation, which combats not just present risks but future threats as well

• Self-moderation not expected from large business

• Need to protect against unethical, anti-customer, anti-competitive behaviour grows with the economy

• Needs lower investment compared to other items on the 8-point Agenda, but needs huge intent & follow-through on the government’s part



• None of these can happen without transparency in governance, and productivity (respect for schedules, budgets and commitments) in government

> “Government service” seen as a ticket to a reasonably comfortable employment. Small start: replace the phrase with “public service” – serving the public at large.

• Central theme: “uphold the law”, “enable each citizen a fair chance of success”, & “deliver, deliver, deliver”


Summing Up

• These determine the dignity with which citizens lead their lives

• Some areas need more government emphasis, some need less private emphasis, some need both to work together

• Without these, even the most capable individual, the best private company would find it easier to make a life, a living elsewhere

• It’s time to move! Most would rather move something, than somewhere.

Read the Article:

On Third Eyesight’s website

On PVC Partners’ website @devangshu

Healthcare Power Water Transportation Infrastructure

Education Environment Competition Accountability
