How Public Private Partnerships Change The World - Nick Houlton


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Pink Elephant – Knowledge Translated Into Results

How Public Private Partnerships

Change the World

Nick Houlton Chief Operating Officer (COO)

APMG International

How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Introducing the APMG Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Certification Program - CP3P

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§  Established in 1993 §  Accredited by UKAS in 2000 §  Accredited to:

ISO 17021 ISO 17024 EN 45011

§  Accredited by Jas-Anz in 2015

About APMG International

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§  2012 Queen’s Award for Enterprise for our international activities

§  Established PRINCE2® & MSP® as de facto standards for managing projects & programs

§  Administer Certification and Accreditation Schemes

About APMG International

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Boston, US

Paris, FR

London, UK

Qingdao, CN

Bangalore, IN

Canberra, AU

Amsterdam, NL

Cologne, DE

Kuala Lumpur, MY

Rome, ITMadrid, ES


South AfridaBrazil

Worldwide Presence APMG International Employs approximately 140 people Worldwide in 15 Countries

Warsaw, PL

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How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

SilosofKnowledge Skills&


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APMG PPP Certification

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Malaysia - Leadership in PPP

§  Thought Leadership §  Malaysian Ninth Plan §  Value for money measure

defined §  Early adopter of service led

PPPs §  Driving innovation, change

and value in healthcare §  Valuable lessons learned

How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Malaysia - Leadership in PPP

§  Thought Leadership §  Two of the 55 case studies

put forward for APEC Finance Minister’s meeting in Beijing, 2014

§  Hospital Support Services PPP highlighted delivering better value for citizens

“… prolonged the life and reliability of assets ... Which translated to better services to patients.”

How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Global Demand For PPPs

§  All countries need to develop infrastructure in order to grow and/or maintain their economies

§  The need for infrastructure development is particularly great for EMDEs

§  Most governments lack the resources to invest adequately in their necessary infrastructure

§  The UN have adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals that will require investment of $2-3 trillion per year for the next 15-20 years

§  This represents tens of thousands of PPP projects per year

“It is critically important that UN member states are provided with user friendly guidance on the PPP models and templates that address the SDG Geoffrey Hamilton, UNECE PPP Business Advisory Board

How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Summary Of World Bank Group Contract

•  The scope of the program is the creation and launch of a Global Certification Program for individuals working in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), including:

§  The development and maintenance of a comprehensive APMG PPP Certification Guide

§  Development and publication of instructional materials §  Development and maintenance of the infrastructure to award certificates §  Creation of a comprehensive examination system §  Marketing of the program on a global basis §  Fostering and maintaining a training infrastructure §  Administering and scoring exams globally from late 2015

§  Successful candidates will be awarded Certified PPP Professional (CP3P) certificates reflecting the exam modules they have passed.

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How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

The Role Of IT In Innovation

§  New ways to solve old problems §  New services never before considered §  Connecting and protecting citizens §  Engaging citizens, improving outcomes

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The Role Of IT In Innovation

§  New ways to solve old problems

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Becoming A Certified PPP Professional

Essential Study: The PPP Certification Program Guide (Available FREE on website) Topics covered include: Appraising PPP projects, structuring, drafting and awarding tender and contracts, strategic delivery and commissioning, operations and hand back.

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The PPP Guide Summary The Body of Knowledge (BoK) for PPP Professionals

How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved. 22

Module 1 – PPP Introduction and Overview: Explains the focus of the Guide, features of a PPP contract, worldwide variations, potential benefits, challenges and potential pitfalls. Module 2 – Establishing a PPP Framework: Describes a PPP framework, the challenges in ensuring a better program approach. Guidance on the strategic management and governance of the PPP option. The remaining chapters proceed through the phases of the typical PPP Process Cycle.

PPP Certification Guide Summary

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Module 3 – Project Identification and PPP Screening:Describes robust project identification processes and explains how to assess the suitability of a project for PPP delivery including economic analysis. Module 4 – Appraising PPP Projects: Describes the need for and approaches to PPP project appraisal and preparation, introduces commercial feasibility and other analysis that should be undertaken before decisions are made by government to invest and procure the PPP project.

PPP Certification Guide Summary

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Module 5 – Structuring and Drafting the Tender and Contract:Describes how to design a tender strategy and structure a PPP contract. Module 6 - Tendering and Awarding the Contract:Describes the main challenges and needs for managing the tender process up to executing the contract, beyond the regulations settled in the tender package.An appendix that describes the bid preparation and submission process from the perspective of the private partner is included.

PPP Certification Guide Summary

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Module 7 – Managing the Contract - Strategy, Delivery and Commissioning: Explains the need for a proactive contract management strategy, the main features of a contract management function and the main challenges of contract management during the construction phase of the PPP project. Module 8 – Managing the Contract – Operations and Hand Back:Describes the main challenges and particularities of contract management during the operating phase of the contract up to and including the hand back of the asset upon the expiry of the contract.

PPP Certification Guide Summary

How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Essential Study: The PPP Certification Program Guide (available free from website) Topics covered include: appraising PPP projects, structuring, drafting and awarding tender and contracts, strategic delivery and commissioning, operations and hand back. Foundation Tests whether a candidate understands the key principles of financing PPP projects. Preparation Stage Tests if a candidate has sufficient understanding of how to apply and tailor PPP frameworks and projects in a given governmental context. Execution Stage Tests if a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of how to apply the structuring and drafting process of PPP tender documents and PPP contracts, and the management of PPP contracts during the construction and operations phases.

Becoming A PPP Certified Professional

How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

How to Become a Certified PPP Professional


The PPP certification programme will provide candidates with knowledge of the whole cycle of PPPs and help them leverage finance and efficiencies from the private sector. Essential study: The PPP Certification Programme Guide (available free from website) The PPP Certification Programme Guide is the Body of Knowledge for the program and is essential reading to pass all three exams. Topics covered include: appraising PPP projects, structuring, drafting and awarding tender and contracts, strategic delivery and commissioning, operations and handback. Foundation Tests whether a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of the key principles of financing PPP projects. Preparation Stage Tests if a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of how to apply and tailor PPP frameworks and PPP projects in a given governmental context. Execution Stage Tests if a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of how to apply the structuring and drafting process of PPP tender documents and PPP contracts, and the management of PPP contracts during the construction and operations phases. Becoming CP3P A certificate is awarded for each level but the credential CP3P is only awarded to successful candidates who pass an exam for all three levels.

Becoming CP3P A certificate is

awarded for each level.

Full CP3P is only awarded to candidates

who pass all three levels.

How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Trainers Require:

§  Sponsorship by an Accredited Training Organization (ATO). APMG can manage the process of matching trainers with ATO’s.

§  Two years of training delivery experience. §  5 years of experience in PPPs.

Organisations Require:

§  Relevant experience, having delivered at least three training courses within the previous twelve months.

§  Have or appoint at least one approved trainer §  APMG approved training materials that cover the PPP

syllabus. §  A quality management system to ensure consistent course


Accreditation of Trainers: §  APMG will assess training organizations, their trainers and

course material – please see diagram right for details of the accreditation process.

For more details on how to become an accredited trainer or training organisation to deliver the APMG PPP Certification Program please email or visit

Becoming A Trainer

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§  Website §  Program Benefits

§  Free PPP Guide §  Free computer based training

(Coming Soon) §  FAQs §  Media centre §  Newsletter sign-up §  Book your exam §  Practice papers (Coming

Soon) §  Blogs and news from the PPP

community §  Links to Accredited Training

Organisations (ATOs) accredited to deliver CP3P courses

PPP Program Hub - Website

How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

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How Public Private Partnerships Change The World © Pink Elephant, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Nick Houlton Chief Operating Officer (COO)

APMG International

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