Council middle managers: dinosaurs or key innovation allies?



This presentation outlines the findings from new local government research on how politicians and senior managers can encourage middle managers to contribute more to achieving major innovations

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Accelerating Innovation in Local Government Research Project




Middle Managers: Dinosaurs or Key Innovation Allies?

©Accelerating Innovation in Local Government Research Project

Around 30% of senior managers in local government believe 50% of future savings will come from innovations

NLGN survey June 2013

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Innovation = New + Relevant

New ways of saving


New ways of


New organisational arrangements

New ways of improving democracy

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Previous research on innovation in councils• Interviews with chief executives• Focus groups with frontline employees• Interviews with leading politicians

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Middle managers’ focus groups in six councils

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Middle Managers’ Top Priority Actions for

Senior Managers & Politicians

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A clear long term strategic direction& innovation priorities

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“Build innovation into strategic objectives”

“Set a clear strategic direction – wider than own directorate and

the council”

“Identify areas where there may be opportunities”

“Identify things to stop doing”

“Be honest and clear about desired outcomes and stick

to them”

“Recognise that sometimes

innovations are not quick wins”


“Face realities”

“What will council look like in 5 years


“Don’t be overambitious”

“Members are too geared to the next


“Accept what the financial situation


“Start the hard conversations now”

“Put effort into the right places”

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Leadership for innovation, convincing,

personal communication

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“Communicate with and engage


“Take concrete action to

implement decisions”

“Empower and trust


“Go for it – leap forward when you know you have got to do something”

“Passion needs to be passed on”

“Senior managers need to be

visible, get out of their ivory tower”

“We need less control, more


“We want listening, straight talking, trust building; more open,

honest communication”

“Sell the corporate


“Be brave & courageous”

“Provide clarity to the vision and expectations”

“Be united”

“Put members’ ambitions into a realistic plan ”

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Managers & staff involved in discussing innovations

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“Take the hierarchy out of innovation“

“Take a less top down


“There are too many top down briefings with no feedback”

“Make time for ‘walking the floor’, speaking to staff”

“Involve everyone in innovation”

“Managers need to keep talking to

people – not just sending out emails”

“Ensure you understand the ‘mood’ of staff”

“Demonstrate that you are


“Consult on ways of delivering outcomes to

encourage others’ views”

“We need more two-way, personal communications”

“Create opportunities for

meaningful engagement”

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Sufficient time & resources for developing innovations

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“Make time for creative


“Invest to save”

“Ensure there are adequate resources to deliver the agreed priority schemes”

“Do less, but do it properly”

“Need to allow time to think,

reflect and engage”

“Create more time to think &

time to implement priorities”

“Free up time, we are the squeezed middle”

“Stop trying to do change on a


“Give us enough resources to get head above the parapet --

time away from the day job to look upwards

and outwards”

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An organisational culture that supports innovation

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“Acknowledge that there is lots of

innovation going on already”

“Make it clear that people

are allowed to fail”

“Push the boundaries, give

managers the flexibility to take


“We need to borrow ideas

from elsewhere”

“Allow the time to discuss & think about innovation”

“Support people when things don’t

go right”

“Encourage more

reflective practice”

“Be less risk averse”

“Encourage creative


“Celebrate and promote

innovations across the council”

“Make innovation part of business planning &

PDR processes”

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Corporate services actively helping to deliver innovations

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“We need to make more effective use of technology”

“We need more flexibility within and across budgets”

“We need more digital innovation

within the council”

“We need less monitoring/control – & more support”

“Reduce the bureaucracy – our

policies and procedures are a major barrier to


“Corporate services need to think about the impacts of their


“We need to make better use of social


“Review procedures and policies so they

support new approaches rather than stifle them”

“Key things like IT hold us back”

“We are forever being audited”

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Strong cross-service working on innovations

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“We need more joined up strategies and working between departments”

Departments have different priorities and don’t think about how

they impact others”

“Stop the silo mentality – things need to be more joined up”

“Senior managers are too focused on their own services -- they

need to be more corporate”

“We are removing silo working –

developing more shared goals”

“We need more middle managers

networking opportunities”

“We are learning from other services and sharing good


“We want more opportunities to

talk/network/exchange ideas/support and share resources”

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Persistence until innovations are achieved

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“Be consistent, don’t keep moving the


“Finish what we start -- before

moving onto the next thing”

“Follow through, do less & complete


“Complete cycles – reviewing, evaluating,

learning, improving – make sure there is space to do this – find simple ways to

do this”

“Ensure projects deliver”

“Make time for reviewing and


“See things through more”

“Set outcomes & stick to it”

©Accelerating Innovation in Local Government Research Project

Agreement with previous research All agree about the importance of:Clear strategic direction, & clear priority areas for

innovationLeadership & convincing communication of the

priorities for innovationSufficient managerial capacity & resources to

develop major innovationsAn organisational culture that encourages

innovation, including tolerating risk taking Effective cross-council working on major


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Areas requiring more attention?

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More citizen & service user involvement in developing innovations?

More looking elsewhere for fresh ideas?

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More focus on partnerships & on commissioning for innovation?

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More effective delivery mechanisms?

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Middle Managers’ Development Needs?

• Working in a political environment?• Leading innovation processes?• Leadership skills?







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Other reflections

• What’s new and different?

• Trust: a key issue? • Middle managers:

‘dinosaurs’ or allies?• Rhetoric versus


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ConclusionMiddle managers are not ‘dinosaurs’ who fervently defend the status quo.

Potentially, they are vital allies for innovating senior managers and politicians.

To engage them, senior managers and politicians, need to consciously, consistently and determinately take a comprehensive, strategic approach to innovation, as set out in the Local Councils’ Innovation Framework.

©Accelerating Innovation in Local Government Research Project

Citizen & Service user


Culture promotes


Effective delivery

mechanisms for innovation

Cross boundary


Strategic approach to innovation

Leaders & managers lead for


Clear political vision & priorities

Employees skilled &

motivated for innovation

©Accelerating Innovation in Local Government Research Project

Resources The full research report on middle managers & innovation:

Local Councils’ Innovation Framework:

Framework Self-Assessment tool:

Summary of latest findings:

Presentations on innovation:

©Accelerating Innovation in Local Government Research Project

Contact details

Joan Tel: 0779 2952 498@JoanMICL

Susan Biddle:sjbiddle1@gmail.comTel: 0787 9548 877
