Can the Delivery of Cash Transfers to Mobile Banking Accounts be a Catalyzer for Increased Financial...


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Can the Delivery of Cash Transfers to Mobile Banking Accounts be a Catalyzer for Increased Financial Inclusion in Sub-Saharan Least Developed Countries?

Dissertation of Ludiwien Cooreman Erasmus Mundus Master in Comparative Local Development Supervised by Alessandro Rossi from University of Trento

. Source: Global Findex Databasesavings (expressed in % of population in Sub-Saharan LDCs)

Overcoming an unfavorable cost-benefit equation

• Underdeveloped infrastructure• Thinly distributed population• Sociological barriers

Digitized Cash Transfers as Win-win-win

1. Aid commercial viability of providers through predictable volume

2. Cut transaction cost and increase efficiency and effectiveness of program for donor

3. leverage the reach and take-up of financial services for the poor




Digitized cash transfers as catalyzer for broader financial inclusion in LDCs • No quick wins or

cheap fixes

• Delivering reliable and consistent service first

• Design for financial inclusion and ecosystem formation

Sources for infographics and images: World Bank, GSMA, CGAP, Better than Cash Alliance, Chicago Council

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