Speaking Green Communications Water Energy Food Nexus 03092016 final

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Is Producing the food we eat a waste of water and energy we need?

-Insights into the Water Energy Food Nexus

Alameda Kiwanis Club Wednesday March 9, 2016by

Tony GreenSpeaking Green Communications 2016

Alternative Energy


Advanced Materials

Water Conservation

“I believe if people in general had a better understanding of how alternative/clean technologies worked there would much less comprehension and fear toward adopting these technologies.”

A voice for sustainabilitySpeaking Green Communications

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Website : http://www.speakinggreencommunications.com

Agenda1. Opening Thought 2. Glimpse of the Future 3. Challenges and More Challenges 4. Food/Water5. Energy/Food6. Water/Energy7. Water – Energy – Food Nexus8. To Think About9. Questions and Answers

Speaking Green Communications 2016

These were the words of John Beddington, Chief Scientific Adviser to the British Government in 2009

when talking about the relationships between food, energy, water and

the climate.

Speaking Green Communications 2016


Opening Thought- “A perfect storm”


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Glimpse of the Future


Challenges and more Challenges

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Cause for Increase on Demand?

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Water Energy Food Nexus

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Food Water


What takes more water to produce?Beef by factor of 3 1/2

Food “and Water” for thought

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/13/food-water-footprint_n_5952862.html

Overview of the Processes require to produce the food we eat

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There are a wide variety of food processing operations are be divided into four broad categories. Ambient temperature processes. These include

cleaning and sorting; peeling, chopping and shredding and milling; - filtration, centrifuging, expression, extraction and membrane processes; mixing, blending and forming.

Thermal processes. These are processes involving heating and include pasteurization and sterilization; evaporation; and various cooking processes. Low temperature processes; chilling and freezing.

Fermentation processes Post processing operations; packaging and storage

Food Processing Overall

Copyright @ Speaking Green Communications 2016 http://sst-web.tees.ac.uk/external/U0000504/Notes/ProcessPrinciples/Balance/Balance.html

About the Water Required – How is used?

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Fruit % Water Content

Cranberries 87Grapefruit 91

Water Melon 92Orange 87

Strawberries 92Pineapple 87

Grapes 81Apple 84

Banana 74Peach 88

Vegetable % Water Content

Potato 79Zucchini 95

Cucumber 96Spinach 92

Tomato (Red) 94Broccoli 91Lettuce 96Celery 95

Eggplant 92Spinach 92

Prepared by Sandra Bastin, Foods and Nutrition Specialist and Kim Henken, Extension Associate for ENRI.





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The term Water-Energy nexus refers to the fact that water and energy are inseparable/connected. This is because:

Water is required to produce energy.

Energy is required to make use of water.

Water /Energy Separable?

Source: Meeting the Needs of the Water Energy Nexus CEP April 2011

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Water Nexus Overview

http://www.ncsl.org/research/environment-and-natural-resources/overviewofthewaterenergynexusintheus.aspxCopyright @ Speaking Green Communications 2016

Source: https://www.slideshare.net/ElectrochemicalSociety/the-waterenergy-nexus-opportunities-and-challenges?from_m_app=ios

Water Nexus Overview

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Source: Food is an Energy Issue Getting to a Sustainable and Climate-Friendly Food and Farming System by Heather Schonover

Water Nexus Overview

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Energy use in the US food system

Retail food services


Commercial food services


Agricultural production





Household storage and preparation


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Energy Used In Producing FoodEnergy to make fertilizers and pesticidesFuels for tractors and other equipmentFuels for heating and ventilation of farm buildings,

livestock and poultry facilitiesElectricity for irrigation (if used), lighting, buildingsEmbodied energy in equipment and buildings


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Water Energy Food Illustration

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Water Energy Food to Think About

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Renewable energy resources such as solar, wind and tidal are readily available and do not require fuel processing and associated water inputs

The agri-food supply chain accounts for 30% of the world’s energy consumption and is the largest consumer of water resources, accounting for approximately 70% of all freshwater use.

Water Energy Food to Think About

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Getting your food locally goes a long way to reducing the water and energy footprints

When you Waste Food, you Waste Water as well as Energy

Why Book Tony?

Tony’s background in clean-tech which includes experience in water, energy, chemicals and the environment and his communication skills refined from this time in sales/marketing will ensure attendees will walk away with timely information and insights presented in an easy to absorb manner.

Email: tonygreen@speakinggreencommunications.com for more informationCopyright @ Speaking Green Communications 2016

Questions & Answers

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