French Cuisine

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This power point presentation is about the form of food in France. The different types of food is explained in a detailed manner with a lot of pictures. The main advantage is that this presentation is in the English language. Comments and suggestions are welcome. For better results, please download this file and watch it as a slide show.

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What is French Cuisine???French Cuisine is a style of cooking derived from the nation

France. French cuisine is considered to be one of the world’s most refined & elegant style of cooking, and is renewed for its classical and provincial style. The French style of cookery is becoming prominent now-a-days. The French cuisine is very much diverse and varied from the other styles of cooking.

They prefer mayonnaise and cheese over spicy chilies. French food is highly valued all over the world and is made from

exquisitive ingredients .French cuisine was codified in the 20th century by Georges Auguste Escoffier to become the modern version of haute


What is Cuisine???The word ‘Cuisine’ has its origin from the French language. Kitchen cuisine is a specific set of cooking traditional and practices often associated with specific culture. Today,

cuisine means the style or method of Cooking.

A Culinary TraditionThe French have one of the oldest and best

culinary tradition in the world. Some of the most famous culinary schools are located in France.

Food in France varies from region to region. This is the reason many people are unsure, what to refer to as French food. People in one area of

France eat completely different food than people who live in another part of France.

The French have used local French ingredients in their food for thousand of years. Those who live on the coast eat a lot of fish food, while those who live on the farmlands have a diet rich in diary products

and meat.

The Foreign Influence Over French Cuisine

France borders many other countries, so a clear foreign influence can be seen

in the food. In the French northwest, you will find food rich in butter,

apples and crème fraiche.

For example, French areas that border Spain, mix traditional French cuisine with a dash of Spanish flair

Similarly, when you buy French food near the German border it will be flavored like many traditional German foods.

French territories lying in the Mediterranean have a cuisine rich in tomatoes, olive oil and herbs.

Structure of mealsThe French people eat 3 meals a day, while the young and old eat an extra

meal which you will understand in a few minutesThey Are:

Breakfast (petit déjeuner)Lunch (déjeuner)Dinner (diner)Snack (goûter)

Breakfast (petit déjeuner)

Le petit déjeuner (breakfast) is often

a quick meal consisting of "tartines" (slices) of French bread with jelly, croissants or pain au chocolat (a

pastry filled with chocolate) along with coffee or tea. The French usually

have their breakfast from 7a.m. to 8a.m.

Lunch (déjeuner) Le déjeuner (lunch) was once a two hour mid-day meal but

has recently seen a trend toward the one hour lunch break . In large cities a majority of working people and students eat

their lunch at a corporate or school cafeteria, which normally serve complete meals.

Snack (Goûter)This is the form of meal eaten by the young children and the old citizens of France. The Goûter is taken between 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. V

Dinner (dîner)Le dîner (dinner) often consists

of three courses, hors d'oeuvre or entrée (introductory course

often soup), plat principal (main course), and a cheese course or dessert, sometimes

with a salad offered before the cheese &dessert would be fresh

fruit.The meal is often accompanied

by bread, wine and mineral water.

Beverages French cafés serve some of the world's best coffee, but each of us has our own preferences.

Café is plain coffee with nothing added, but is strong as it is brewed like espresso. Café au lait is a popular French coffee style that has been popularized in America, as it's

served in tres francais New Orleans at Café du Monde. Café crème is, as it sounds, coffee served in a large cup with hot cream.

Café Décafféiné is decaffeinated coffee. You will still need to tell them you want milk (lait) or cream (crème) with your coffee.

Café Noisette is espresso with a dash of cream in it. It is called "Noisette," French for hazelnut, because of the rich, dark color of the coffee.

Café Americain is filtered coffee, similar to traditional American coffee. Café Léger is espresso with double the water.

The other common French beverages include : Water, Apple Juice, orange Juice, Coffee, Champagne, Tea,

Vine, Milk, and Fresh Juices.

Chicken in Cream Sauce

Grated Onion Soup

Chicken and Sausage Cassoulet

Butternut Squash Bisque.

Coq au Vin Tartiflette

Popular french dishes to beat the cold

The two most important religious festivities of the year for Christians are Christmas and Easter.

White or black puddings (made with light meats and fats or animal blood) will almost always be a part of the dinner. A fat goose or a stuffed turkey will be the center of the menu while family specialties may shine after the nuts and

cheese course. Special desserts such as buche de Noel may represent

generations-old recipes or the best from the patisserie. In more recent years fish and seafood have been permitted

together with the use of eggs and butter, yet there is a sense of restraint in the forty days of fasting menus.

Special OccasionsFood On These


In France, beer is considered a luxury and expensive to purchase.

However, wine is usually given free at most restaurants for lunch and dinner.

The French love cheese with their wine. French wine is produced all throughout France, in

quantities between 50 and 60 million hectoliters per year, or 7–8 billion bottles.

France is one of the largest wine producer in the world.French wine traces its history to the 6th century BC.The wines produced range from expensive high-end

wines sold internationally to more modest wines usually only seen within France.

The well-known brands of Vine are Champagne, Bourgogne and Bordeaux.

Unlike other countries, in France wine is considered a standard part of everyday meals, and is neither expensive nor

reserved for special occasions.

With everyday meals, ordinary wines are served, although it is expected that the style of wine match the style of food.

France is one of the largest wine producer in the world.

The important forms of vine are Champagne, Bourgogne, Bordeaux and the Beaujolais.

Wine is produced all throughout France, in quantities between 50 and 60 million hectoliters per year, or 7–8 billion




French cheeses can be divided into three main families:- Pressed Cheeses (like most British cheeses)- Soft Cheeses, such as Camembert- Blue Cheese to which can be added a number of hybrids or very individual cheeses. In addition to its use in cooking, cheese is often served as a course in itself. In this

case, it is served after the main meal but before dessert. Traditionally, there are from 350 to 400 distinct types of

French cheese grouped into eight categories 'les huit familles de fromage‘.

There can be many varieties within each type of cheese, leading some to claim closer to 1,000 different types of French cheese.

In 1962, French President Charles de Gaulle was famously quoted as saying "Comment voulez-vous gouverner un pays qui a deux cent quarante-six variétés de fromage?" ("How can you govern a country which has two hundred and forty-six varieties of cheese?").

Dinner has four parts. Lunches last at least 2 hours. Wines are as important as meals. Aperitif is served with appetizers. Truffles are fungi, not chocolate confections. Dishes are often regional. There are three types of French Cuisine. Hot Chocolate is popular in France, though they like to drink it

from bowls

Interesting Facts - French Cuisine

FiniThe End

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Submitted By :Ajay, Aswin, Dhanush and George