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Arunkumar K.R., PhD Technical Director, Victus Laboratories India Private Limited www.victuslabs.com

Image Source: http://www.rndiy.org/

Embracing Open Hardware & Locavore Concept Ensuring Food, Water, Health & Social Security for INDIA

Source : Valagro CEO President Presentation for EBIC, Nov 2012



2030 Perspectives


http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/dmsp/image/india_03_98_92_a.jpg Copyright © NOAA/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY

Rapid urbanization of India and reducing agricultural lands

Let’s go Vertical Father of Vertical Farming – Dr. Dickson Despommier


Aeroponics garden for colonizing Moon

Vertical farming is based on hydroponic technology developed during the cold war times especially for the space race


Source: http://www.lighting.philips.com/main/application_areas/horticultural/projects.wpd

Philips has created LED lights specially for horticulture in greenhouses

“ Inter-lighting is good for the development of rose shoots.”


“ Philips’ statement about providing only the light that a plant needs – the light recipe – really appealed to us.”

The Meeting of Two Visionaries - Dr Dickson Despommier and

Chief Visionary – Mr. C.V. Prakash - The Pet Bharo Project

Simplified Hydroponics for Indian Urban Spaces

Simplified Hydroponics for Indian Urban Spaces

Hydroponic vs conventional

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/388646642815977046/

Source: http://gothamgreens.com/ http://brightfarms.com/s/

Roof-top farming an appealing idea for reducing Indian food miles

Image Source: http://traderjanki.wordpress.com/page/21/

Go local – reduce food miles

What is a food mile?

plural noun: food miles a mile over which a food item is transported during the journey from producer to consumer, as a unit of measurement of the fuel used to transport it. Food miles is a term which refers to the distance food is transported from the time of its production until it reaches the consumer. Food miles are one factor used when assessing the environmental impact of food, including the impact on global warming.

More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_miles

Source : Gertjan Meeuws, Seven misconceptions about Vertical Farming and how we deal with them. National Science Foundation –Workshop on Challenges in Vertical Farming, Sep 2012 http://www.fieldrobotics.org/~ssingh/VF/Challenges_in_Vertical_Farming/Schedule_files/MEEUWS.pdf

Vertical Farming in urban areas results in less food miles (reduces fossil fuels dependence)

Vertical Farming in urban areas results in less food miles (reduces fossil fuels dependence)

Source : Gertjan Meeuws, Seven misconceptions about Vertical Farming and how we deal with them. National Science Foundation –Workshop on Challenges in Vertical Farming, Sep 2012 http://www.fieldrobotics.org/~ssingh/VF/Challenges_in_Vertical_Farming/Schedule_files/MEEUWS.pdf


Go local – reduce food miles


“The latest crisis in Iraq has yet again exposed India's vulnerability in hydrocarbon supplies. Yet neither the citizens nor the government of India seem to realise just how precarious their position is. India's luck in overseas energy investments has been quite poor, largely because it has put most of its eggs in a highly volatile Middle Eastern basket. The civil war in Syria has washed away India's investments in the country as the terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra has captured the Dayr al-Zawr, al-Sham, and Block XXIV oilfields. The conflict in Sudan similarly sent ONGC Videsh scrambling out of the country in 2012 and South Sudan at the end of 2013. In Iraq, ONGC Videsh's holdings in Block VIII are now under threat as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) are swinging south after capturing Mosul, Tikrit, and Baiji.” Source: http://www.dnaindia.com/india/standpoint-iraq-a-crisis-of-oil-or-of-confidence-for-india-1996976

Why Go local & reduce food miles ?

Global strategic petroleum reserves and India

Global strategic petroleum reserves ("GSPR") refer to crude oil inventories (or stockpiles) held by the government of a particular country, as well as private industry, for the purpose of providing economic and national security during an energy crisis.

India In 2003 India started the development of a strategic crude oil reserve sized at 37,400,000 barrels (5,950,000 m3), enough for two weeks of consumption. Petroleum stocks have been transferred from the Indian Oil Corporation (IndianOil) to the Oil Industry Development Board (OIDB). The OIDB then created the Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserves Ltd (ISPRL) to serve as the controlling government agency for the strategic reserve. On 21 December 2011, it was announced that India planned to greatly augment their crude reserve capacity to 132 million barrels by 2020, a senior oil ministry official stated. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_strategic_petroleum_reserves More Info: http://logos.nationalinterest.in/2015/02/indias-strategic-petroleum-reserves/

“India has bought the first oil for its strategic petroleum reserve (SPR), trade sources said on Monday, marking the start of a round of purchases by the world's fourth-biggest oil consumer to build up emergency stockpiles. India is heavily reliant on fuel imports, producing less than a third of the nearly 3.7 million barrels per day it consumed in 2013, data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows. Its fast-growing economy has become the world's fourth-largest oil consumer after the United States, China and Japan. China's own SPR purchases, which have helped support oil prices during the global supply glut, are expected to slow this year with commercial and strategic storage space almost full. China's strategic stocks were estimated in January at more than 30 days' worth of crude imports. It plans to eventually build reserves of around 600 million barrels, or about 90 days of import cover. India's SPR should cover approximately 13 days of imports when it is completed by the end of this year.” – March 30, 2015 Source: http://in.reuters.com/article/2015/03/30/india-energy-spr-idINKBN0MQ1N220150330

Why Go local – reduce food miles ?

Water Security

The Middle East is running dry - and into the perfect storm? The most water-stressed nations on Earth are all in the Middle East and North Africa. Add surging populations and food and energy costs, and trouble seems inevitable – May 2011

Source: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/damian-carrington-blog/2011/may/19/water-climate-change http://www.theguardian.com/environment/damian-carrington-blog/2011/may/19/water-climate-change#img-1

New research shows that water scarcity linked to climate change is now a global problem playing a direct role in aggravating major conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa.

New Age Of Water Wars - ‘Bleak Future’ For The Middle East

Source: http://firedoglake.com/2015/03/29/new-age-of-water-wars-portends-bleak-future-for-the-middle-east/

Source: http://www.dni.gov/files/documents/Special%20Report_Global%20Water%20Security%20Map.pdf

India and its water needs

Source: http://www.integreon.com/pdf/Blog/Water_The_India_Story_268.pdf

Health Security

Source: The Hindu, Nov 13, 2014

Source : http://www.nutritionsecurity.org/

Our food today is LESS NUTRITIOUS than before World War II

Mineral Depletion in Food 1940-1991 Vegetables Fruits Lost 76% of their copper Lost 19% of their copper Lost 49% of their sodium Lost 29% of their sodium Lost 46% of their calcium Lost 16% of their calcium Lost 27% of their iron Lost 24% of their iron Lost 24% of their magnesium Lost 15% of their magnesium Lost 16% of potassium Lost 22% of potassium Source : The Composition of Foods, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Foods and the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK

Modern high yielding varieties have actually reduced the nutritional value of food

Source: http://farmviability.wordpress.com/2012/10/19/support-your-farmer-by-making-responsible-food-choices/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF4BLHTvF2M

Source: Jarrett Chambers presentation at TEDx Winnipeg – The next big thing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF4BLHTvF2M

Is Glyphosate Toxic?

• Monsanto has argued that glyphosate is harmless to humans because our cells don’t have the shikimate pathway, which it inhibits

• However, our gut bacteria DO have this pathway

– We depend upon them to supply us with essential amino acids (among many other things)

• Other ingredients in Roundup greatly increase glyphosate’s toxic effects

• Insidious effects of glyphosate accumulate over time

– Most studies are too short to detect damage Source: http://people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/

Glyphosate and Autism*

*Nancy Swanson, http://www.examiner.com/article/ data-show-correlations-between-increase-neurological-diseases-and-gmos

R = 0.9898; p <= 2.6e-06

Pearson Correlation Coefficient = 0.99

Source: http://people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/

Microbiome: Your Body Houses 10x more Bacteria Than Human Cells

Source: http://www.economist.com/node/21560559

We are more microbial than Human

Source: http://mpkb.org/home/pathogenesis/microbiota

We are more microbial than Human

Main Toxic Effects of Glyphosate*

• Kills beneficial gut bacteria and allows pathogens to overgrow

• Interferes with function of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes

• Chelates important minerals (iron, cobalt, manganese, etc.)

• Interferes with synthesis of aromatic amino acids and methionine – Leads to shortages in critical neurotransmitters and


• Disrupts sulfate synthesis and sulfate transport *Samsel and Seneff, Entropy 2013, 15, 1416-1463

Source: http://people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/

Source: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2014/179691/

The Enhancing Effect of Adjuvants*

“Adjuvants in pesticides are generally declared as inerts, and for this reason they are not tested in long-term regulatory experiments. It is thus very surprising that they amplify up to 1000 times the toxicity of their APs [Active Principles] in 100% of the cases where they are indicated to be present by the manufacturer.”

*R. Mesnage et al.BioMed Research International 2014; Article ID:179691.

Source: http://people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/

Roundup Safety Claims Disputed*

“It is commonly believed that Roundup is among the safest pesticides. … Despite its reputation, Roundup was by far the most toxic among the herbicides and insecticides tested. This inconsistency between scientific fact and industrial claim may be attributed to huge economic interests, which have been found to falsify health risk assessments and delay health policy decisions.”

*R. Mesnage et al., Biomed Research International, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 179691

Source: http://people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/

Job & Social Security


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2012 2013 2014

India dropping rapidly in human factor based innovation index

But We have potential

Source: KPMG Technology Innovation Survey 2013

Ranking of country shows the most promise for disruptive breakthroughs that will have a global impact

Source: Economic Times, Jan 8, 2015

Global India







Are We Globally Competitive ?

India imported an estimated $ 38 billion worth of electronics last year, while only about $ 19 billion worth of goods were manufactured here with minimal value addition. “Indian manufacturers face various other challenges such as high cost of finance – there is 15% interest in India against 2-4% globally and high power costs due to irregular power supply. This create a disability of about 20% for Indian Manufacturers”, - Ashok Chandak, Chairman – India Electronics and Semiconductors Association (IESA).

National Employability Report Engineers Annual Report 2014

Aspiring India

India Skills Report 2015 Wheelbox, PeopleStrong, CII,


“With close to 5.5 million graduates passing out every year, and only about 0.7 million being considered employable by in the IT/BPM industry, over-supply and low employability is significantly diluting the demographic dividend. It is critical to understand the talent demand and supply landscape and engage, enable and empower a tripartite network of the government, academia and industry to grow the skill sets required for India to be future ready.” - Prithvi Shergill, Chief Human Resources Officer, HCL Technologies

Low skill sets and employability – now a demographic problem

Do we nurture & develop quality talent?

National Employability Report Engineers Annual Report 2014

Aspiring India

Our intent is to address this gap




How to equip our youngsters?

Open Source Hardware opens up a World of Possibilities for India

Let's get away with those pillars, it's coal. Disrupting the social fabric. How to run a factory usually based on central management, managing people. Not networked, fablab, d-i-y

- The cathedral and the Bazaar

Lets get ready for the Next Industrial Revolution

We missed the Open source software revolution in its infancy, Let’s join the Open hardware revolution to get into a world of opportunities

“The business models enabled by the Linux platform, namely cheap innovation, Quick scale-out and mass collaboration, is directly responsible for the success of

Top Web 2.0 companies including Google, Facebook and Amazon.”

- Jim Whitehurst, CEO of Red Hat

"We believe this is just the very beginning of the hardware revolution. The world is eagerly awaiting new devices and new device platforms.

Look around you and it is hard not to see opportunities."

- Jon Callaghan

Welcome to the Open Hardware Revolution

We are at the very beginning of an amazing change in the way we build, buy, consume, and experience devices. It’s been called a

whole bunch of different names over the past decade, but now that things are (finally) heating up the name that feels like it’s

going to stick is “hardware revolution”.

"The evolution in hardware development in some ways parallels what the software industry saw ten years ago."

- Matt Witheiler

The Open hardware revolution




Forecasts for 2014 to 2030 – World Future Society: Trends & Breakthroughs

Open-source robot blueprints cut the cost of robots by 90% Robot development may soon dramatically accelerate thanks to new open-source hardware-sharing systems. Similar to open-source software for computers, this new robot-development platform allows participants to share their designs so that other developers can adapt or improve on them. By sharing hardware and software development, costs may plummet and innovation may skyrocket. For example, a caregiving robot that used to cost more than $350,000 to purchase may soon be available for under $25,000.



About IOTA Indian Open Technology Alliance is a co-creation platform where anyone can propose, collaborate, build and share, a complete ecosystem for creation from concept to product. Mission Opening up frontiers to build up knowledge access, enabling rapid progress, empowering community to create values Vision Open and vibrant knowledgeable community content in a progressively sustainable value rich ecosystem All projects under Open Source Hardware best practises and CC-BY-SA 4.0 license

Gears Pumps Motors Valves Wet Grinders Table Top Grinders

Pan-India Open Source Hardware revolution starting in Coimbatore with IOTA projects

Coimbatore has high competency in gears, pumps, motors, valves, wet-grinders, etc. It also has vibrant educational institutions and health care infrastructure.

Coimbatore has all the ingredients required to build the community around open hardware.

Pan-India IOTA projects starting in Coimbatore


One of the top ten industrialized districts in India 63,000 Micro, Small & Medium Manufacturing Enterprises & over 2000 Large Enterprises

Coimbatore is also called as the pump city of Asia. Supplies over 40% of India’s pump requirements

World's best state of the art foundries are in Coimbatore

Strong competence in Gear manufacturing and near monopoly in wet grinders

Automotive majors source up to 30% of their automotive components from Coimbatore

Coimbatore has the highest location attractiveness index for ITeS (IMA India, 2009)

Listed in top 40 cities (Next frontier cities for technology talent) in the review and analysis of 400 global cities by Zinnov LLC (December 2012)

What is Gerald Celente Predicting ?

Successfully predicted the financial crisis of 2008


“India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Israel, Palestine, Saudi Arabia & Singapore which has seen its first riots in 40 years are included on the endless list of nations experiencing war, terror, economic turbulence or social unrest. But the story we would tell in each case is the same. ... The young, who are providing much of the energy behind these uprisings, are not likely to abate their efforts, particularly with about one quarter of the world’s youth without jobs or an education. They are restless, angry, without hope and thoroughly distrustful of the power structures that rule their lives. ...It was a trend that was long in the making and one that we had long predicted.”

Empowering the youth for competing in the global economy and job creation is not an option anymore

http://usa.marsh.com/NewsInsights/MarshRiskManagementResearch/ID/43185/Political-Risk-Map-2015-Geopolitical-Tensions-and-Falling-Oil-Prices-Challenge-Foreign-Investors.aspx http://usa.marsh.com/Portals/9/Documents/Growing%20Political%20Risk%20in%20the%20Year%20Ahead%20and%20Beyond-Marsh%27s%20Political%20Risk%20Map%202015.pdf http://www.mmc.com/content/dam/mmc-web/Files/The_Global_Risks_2015_report_FINAL_2.pdf

Image Source: http://www.rndiy.org/

Let’s Embrace Open Source Hardware & Locavore Concept



Join Us IOTA Impact Projects for Open Source Apartment Windows farming Urban Roof-Top farming Green house automation solutions Pivot Irrigation India specific locavore-app creation Precision farming equipments Expired Patent Database – Project Specific

Our Inspiration



“If we have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.”












Image Source: http://www.rndiy.org/

Let’s Embrace Open Source & Locavore Concept



Join Us IOTA Impact Projects for Open Source Apartment Windows farming Urban Roof-Top farming Green house automation solutions Pivot Irrigation India specific locavore-app creation Precision farming equipments Expired Patent Database – Project Specific

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