Water Conservation


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Why Water Conservation ??

@. Sustainability. To ensure availability for future generations , the withdrawal of fresh water from an ecosystem should not exceed its natural replacement rate.

@. Energy conservation. Water pumping, delivery andwaste water treatment facilities consume a significant amount of energy .Minimizing human water use helps topreserve fresh water habitats for local wildlife and migratingWater flow, as well as reducing the need to buildnew dams and other water diversion infrastructure.

If water is constantly being cleaned

and recycled through the earth’s

water cycle, why do we need to

conserve it?

The answer is that people use up our planet’s

fresh water faster than it can naturally be


This is what has happened in IndiaWater conservation can help solve this problem.

Unit for measuring water


1 Gallon = 3.79 liter

How To Conserve Water.Saving Water Is Easy....

@. Use a water bucket and a hose shutoff whenwashing your vehicle.#. Use a blower or a broom to clear dust or debrisfrom your drive way or side walks.@. Only run your dish washer with a full load of dishes.#. Wash full loads of clothes only. This will help save gallons of water per wash.@. Turn the water off while shampooing your hair.#. Do not leave the water running when you are not using it...

@. Fix leaky toilets, drippy faucets and other water wasters. #. When planting, choose native grasses and plants that require less water.@. Take shorter showers and only use as much water as youreally need.#. Plant in the fall when conditions are cooler and rainfall is

more plentiful.

@. Water your lawn and garden in the morning or evening when

temperatures are cooler

to minimize evaporation.

#. Wash your fruits and vegetables in a pan of water instead of running

water from the tap.

We can also conserve water with the help of water metersby which we can measure and

we can also ensure weather there is a leakage or not ..we can use these in our housesand other green buildings.

Water meters are of two types :-

1. Manual water meter.

2. Prepaid water meter:-

